Birthday suprise

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I woke up to the faint sound of sleeping with the light on by busted playing and aimlessly reach out for my alarm clock, as i can't find the button. I press the off switch and roll back over, only to hear the music still playing. I groan and again let my hand wander over my bedside table to turn it off. Just as my hand reachea the clock i pull back, wait my alarm sound isn't sleeping with the light on...

Suddenly a drum bangs loudly and the tune changes violently to a very loud '5 colours in her hair'. I spring up from my comfortable slumber and scream in terror before looking around my room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Lauren shouts along with every. Single. Freaking. Member of  Mcfly and busted. I look from Lauren, James and Danny's grinning faces to Tom, Harry, Dougie, Matt and Charlie.

"Is this a dream?" I ask in all seriousness.

Everyone bursts out laughing at my bedazzled (fab word that) state.

"Is she always this strange?" Harry asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk beforw Tom thwacks him round the chest.

"Aha don't worry guys she's just in...shock, she'll get over it soon". Danny laughs

"get over it, get over it? MCFLY AND BUSTED ARE IN MY ROOM!" I say practically leaping on Lauren in excitement. As everyone laughs at my fangirling weirdness.


After being introduced and introducing myself to (well Lauren introduced me while i gawped) all of the boys I sit on my bed as Lauren insists on serving me breakfast in bed.

"20 pancakes for the birthday girl coming through!" James smiles as he hands me the massive stack of pancakes.

"Wowww yum, thank you!" I grin up at him.

"James is our professional pancake maker, he can't cook anything else for toffee but damn he makes delicious pancakes!" Charlie smirks.

James throws one of my pillows at him for insulting his cooking skills before turning back to me. I pour chocolate sauce and squirty cream on one and dig in.

"Mmmmm, you weren't joking. These are delicious James, thank you!" I beam. A smile of pride creeps on to his face as I engulf him in a hug of thanks. I breath in his scent and pull away, as his lips pass my ears he whispers.

"Did you just smell me?" He smirks

I feel myself blush violently, i don't reply with words but I'm sure that the colour of my cheeks makes it self explanatory.

I look around at the guys who are all watching me as I eat. I smirk boys and the botomless pits they have for stomaches eh?.

"Seeiiiiing as you are all from my 2 favourite bands I suppose I can bring myself to share these with you" I say.

They all smile at me before each taking a pancake, drenching it in toppings, thanking me and stuffing it in their gobs in one. Meanwhile Lauren and I both exchange a 'girl' look.

After they have finished their pancakes Harry turns to me. "That reminds me Anya, i never asked. Who is your favourite of us?" He asked pointing to himself and the guys. Before I can reply, Danny butts in.

"Ah sorry Harry we'll have no luck with this one" he jokes, "She's James' psycho girl".

Harry wiggles his eyebrows at me, "ohhhhhhh, is she now?" I laugh at him and shake my head.

"Oh my god, yes. She was obsessed with James, before she knew he was my brother she kept ranting on about how 'fit' and 'gorgeous' he is" Lauren says now in fits of laughter with the boys. I scowl at her as she proceeds to tell them of my embarassing first meetings with him and end up hiding under the covers of my bed.

"Awww ANYA AND JAMES SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-N-I-N-G" Dougie shouts causing James to blush and look at his feet and me to retreat back under my covers to hide my tomato-red face.

"Dougie dude, it really affected your learning, joining the band at 15 didn't it, your spelling is atrocious!" Tom laughs.

Dougie bless him doesn't know what he did wrong, he sits there looking like a lost puppy. I smirk, "you spelt it K I S N I N G but it's spelt K I S S I N G' i smile rubbing his shoulder.


Well it looks like this is gonna be interesting!


A/n guys am i so sorry, ive really lost me oomph in writing (thats if i ever had any). I just havent been feeling very motivated to write. I know i say this every update but this time I mean it I WILL WRITE BETTER CHAPTERS! just please be patient for me to get into the story. Also dw all u guys who commented u wanted to be a character, you will be introduced soon, I promise.

Thats all for today folks! ;)

Kristina xxx


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