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Oi you, yeah you! Sorry for the very erm... Intimidating start to this a/n but i want everyone to read this, so i figures id start by getting your attentikn. Anywho, lately i have just felt so unmotivated to write. I usually love writing but i just havent been getting  the feedback id like. YOU are the onea that motivate me to write, I have been recieving such lovely comments from some of you guys, and i can't thank you enough, i really appreciate them. But it's the feedback i need to keep me writing guys, without it i will stop writing or write a loaf of rubbish and you will lose interest, i certainly dont want that and i dont think you guys do. So to all of you anonymous readers please LEAVE FEEDBACK even if its just a single vote or if u want, comment with what you like and constructive criticism. Or if u have any plot/character ideas. Basics whatever it is i want to hear it so please please please me (ha hope u like that reference)

Sorry this damn thing is so long btw

Kristina xxx

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