Thats the truth

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I wake up when my alarm blasts out crashed the wedding by my favoufite band busted, oh the irony.

I get out of bed and look at the time on my alarm clock, 7:50 am, as I hold the clock in my hands I look at the face which has all three busted members faces plastered over it. I'm drawn to James as I sigh thinking about yesterdays events. "For gods sake I mutter as I chuck my alarm clock onto my bed before flopping down beside it.

After about 20 minutes of lying in bed and dwelling on the embarassment I caused myself in front of my idol my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller idea and see that it's Lauren, I really don't feel like talking to anyone at the moment so I just decline her call, she calls me about 3 more times befoee giving up.

I get out of bed and brush my teeth,  shower, brush my hair and get dressed before going downstairs to grab some breakfast to give me some energy for my surfing. Munching on a piece of toast I grab my board annd head for the door but when I open it I find Lauren standing on my doorstep.

"Oh hey, come in I say putting my board down and ushering her through to my dining room.

I give her some toast and juice and we start talking. "Sorry about yesterday at the party" she says sadly.

"Why are you apologising? It wasn't your fault at all, I mean I embarassed myself" I say giving a small smile. She smiles back and I get us some coffee. I stand by the kitchen surface mixing the coffee up. "Hey Lauren, why the hell was James fricking Bourne even at your bbq?" I ask.

"Erm well he, erm he...moved into a house a few streets down from us recently" she says quietly.

"Whaaaat? Thats amazing! But how did you get to know him, and why would he want to move down here?"

"He has family down here" she shrugs calmly.

"Do we know his relations? Aah this so cool!"

"LOOK OK? HE'S MY BROTHER" she shouts angrily.

I stand there by the kitchen surface, stunned. "your brother?" I repeat.

"Yeah" Lauren says quietly

"Sorry but I was actually just about to go surfing before you came I say brushing past her and grabbing my board before running out the door to the bay. I speed walk down the path from my house trying to get to the bay to escape, but I hear footsteps and sure enough Lauren catches up with me, atanding in my way.

"Just listen! Let me explain" she begs. I just slide past her not looking her in the eye or acknowledging her presence.

"Fine, have it your way" she says beforw geabbing my board and darting off with it. I chase after her angrily while she just runs looking back smirking. I stop because I'm out of breath and she stops up ahead of me. "LAUREN JUST GIVE ME BACK MY BOARD FOR GODS SAKE".

"NOT UNTIL YOU LET ME EXPLAIN" she shouts back before running off again. I sprint after her, shes fast but im faster and I soon catch up with her. When we get nextto a patch off grass I wrestle her to the ground and grab my board back. I get up to head to the bay but Lauren grips my arm. "Please, don't go!"she pleads

"I can't go anywhere with you holding my arm so tightly" I say wincing from her painful grip. She loosens her grip and resumes what she was saying "please just stay for a moment and let me explain" she says  innocently with puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes and sit down next to her on the grass.

"Look I'm really sorry I didn't tell you that James is my brother." She says looking at her feet.

"But why? Why didn't you tell me?I embarassed myself in front of the one person I care about looking a fool in front of, I dreamed of meeting him and when I did I hurt him because I did'nt even know he lived here.I would have been ecstatic if I had known that my friend's brother is my idol!" I say.

"Thats exactly why I didnt want to tell you, I wanted you to like me for me, I didn't want you to like me because of my famous brother. I've barely ever had any real friends, everyone just tries to use me to get to him but I thought you were different so I'm sorry but I just wanted a friend, yep I guess it was greedy and self centered but I wanted to be the centre of attention for once" she replies sadly.

"I'm so sorry lauren, I had no idea. Sure I would love to meet my idol and get to know him but you mean so much more to me, ive only known ypu for a few days but you're already my best friend, related to my idol or not I will always put you first. I'm really sorry." I say feeling guilty now knowing why she didnt tell me.

"I'm sorry too, now come here" she laughed before engulfing me in a massive hug.


:o james is Laurens brother?! Will Lauren and Anya's friendship last? When will I stop these annoying questions? Right about now. Anyways thats all for today folks, see you next time!


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