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"So then, she proper bitch slaps him, in front of EVERYONE, and to top it all off right, she gets up and pours water all over him. He was gobsmacked!..."Danny says in fits of laughter as he retells some funny story about his mate getting dumped. I take a sip of my coffee and laugh along with him in confusion, I haven't the faintest idea what he is on about, but his laugh is infectious and the way he laughs at himself makes me smile. This morning, I had thought that at this point I would be out with James and Tom who wanted to show me some of the songs they had written together recently, however I had to cancel because of Danny's persistence, he had been texting me constantly throughou the day until I agreed to meet him after class, I agreed quickly because the constant buzzing of my phone began to earn me incredibly intimidating glares from other people in the class. Now we're sat in a little coffee shop at the moment, just down the road from my college, I'm sipping on my mocha while trying to keep up with the story he's telling me. 

My mind starts to drift to other places like how delicious all the different ice cream flavours displayed in the window in the shop across the road look but I'm disturbed mid fantasy by the tinkle of a bell from behind me, indicating that someone has entered the shop. I turn around at the sudden noise and am met with someone's crotch, blushing, I jump and quickly shuffle backwards, I look up and find James Bourne looking down at me.  "James, what are you-"

"HI GUYS!" James all but shouts at us as he sits down in the non-existent space between Danny and I, sitting on us until we are forced apart to make room for him. He reaches over and chugs down my mocha as I watch him with a mixture of confusion and anger. He leans back lazily putting his feet up on the low coffee table, "I was just passing through, coming back from rehearsal and I saw you guys sat here through the window!", "Isn't that weird?!" He says overenthusiastically with a massive, slightly creepy grin.

"What a coinkydink" I reply with sarcasm, awkwardly looking down at my now empty cup.  I give Danny a sideways glance as if to say who is this alien being and what the fuck has he done with James, he seems to get my gist and just shrugs his shoulders, appearing to be as baffled as I am.  The alien being seems oblivious and just sits back and slings his arm around my shoulder, my eyes widen in surprise at the contact and I begin to feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Danny looks at his hand on my arm and he seems shocked, his jaw clenches a little before he awkwardly coughs. I stare at the ground, confuddled by the whole situation and unsure of what to do. You could cut the tension in here with a knife. 

As I witness the telepathic staring contest/ mind reading that seems to be happening between Danny and James I turn and see a girl in an apron walking towards us with a notebook in hand. She looks about my age, she has beautiful long honey blonde hair and brown eyes, her friendly face is decorated with light freckles and she comes over baring a Hollywood smile of pearly white, super straight teeth. "Hi guys, what can I get you?" she asks us, the boys don't reply, I think they are a bit preoccupied with checking her out.

"Hey, err..." I squint at her name tag, "Darcy, well I've already had a coffee, so could I just have a chocolate chip cookie please?" I reply with a smile, she returns it and proceeds to write it on her little pad of paper. I think  I hear the boys jaws hit the floor with a bang when she bends over directly in front of us to lean on our table and write down my order. 

"And you guys?" she asks them looking at them, they just sit there for a minute as she looks at them in confusion, she follows their line of vision and quickly stands up in embarrassment,  cheeks flushing a vibrant shade of pink. I elbow James' stomach and kick Danny which earns a groan from both boys before they both regain their composure and look down to the floor.

"Sorry about these goons" I say with a sympathetic smile, "Danny will have a chocolate muffin and James will have a white chocolate chip muffin, he had my coffee so I don't think he needs any more caffeine" I say, narrowing my eyes at James at the end, he just grins at me cheekily trying to feign a look of innocence. The waitress giggles and walks away after finishing writing down our order, standing up. She walks away, swaying her hips a bit,  both boys look up and shamelessly stare at her ass before I smack them both around the head like their mother. 

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