Prompt #25

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"If we get arrested it's your fault."

I'm sneaking out of the house at 2 am in the morning. The glow of my phone relighting at another text from the red-haired mischief that I will find stood outside my front door. Hurry up, its cold.

I scoff and I cram my feet into my trainers. As I open the front door, he gives me one of his smiles, one of the ones he only gives me, the one that holds his hidden softness and care.

I roll my eyes at him, You're the one who's awake at 2 in the morning.

He ignores my remark and holds up my hoodie, the one I left at his the day before. I slip it over my shoulders and smell his cologne in the hood and sown into the very fabric. It's like I'd never worn it in the first place. I close and lock the door behind me and slip my hand into his, his larger fingers wrapping my own up tightly.

Where are we going? I look up to him and he turns his head as I walk beside him.

There's a dangerous glint in his eye that he usually has when he's planning one of his crazy stunts. It makes me nervous, but he gives my hands a squeeze. It's nothing illegal this time... well I don't think it is.

I give him a frown and he returns with a sheepish grin. He may have an exterior attitude that was unnerving and abnormal, perhaps borderline crazy at times, but on the inside, he was just as loving as I. In fact, he loved in such a greater capacity than I ever could, because he knew what it was like to not receive it. It was simple, I adored his tender heart.

So many people thought my tall, spiky, haired boyfriend was crazy and a bit sadistic, but once you broke through his false exterior the ruse was quite clear. He had the heart of a child who had been alone for too long, had to depend on himself and could only observe, never take part in the world that lived around him.

You're too quiet. Usually, you'd tell me off by now he pouts.

I laugh and hug his arm, trying to get as close to him as possible, I love you, you dork. I'll tell you off once I know what we're doing.

I watch with mesmerised eyes, my heart racing in my chest as my partner in crime dumps more gasoline onto the heap of exams in front of us. The thrill of the forbidden act races through me as does my desire for the smirking figure ahead of me, chucking fuel onto our bonfire mountain.

Want to do the honours? He holds out a lighter and a sheet of paper as I take the cold objects into my hands.

What if we get caught? I hesitate.

His head cocks sideways and his eyebrows are furrowed, It's a little late to rethink it now. I can do it if you want, it was my idea.

He moves closer to me, wrapping his long arms around me from behind as he leans down and places his head on my shoulder. His breath tickles my neck and soon it's replaced by gentle kisses as he murmurs against my skin. His hands come over my own as he attempts to pry the objects from them, but I refuse. Instead, I let his fingers guide my own and flick the lighter alive, waking the flame. I brush it towards the paper and together we let it burn, both hypnotised as it surges along the paper.

If we get arrested this is your fault.

His tone is confident, I know.

The fire creeps closer on the paper, our eyes watching it furl and fold, trying to reach us.

I pull away and drop it onto the pile before it singes my fingertips and the flames roar into life, consuming the morning sky.

As it grows and cracks in front of us I feel the thrill of adrenaline surge again. I always knew you were a bad girl, he smirks at me.

I did learn from the best I return, my eyes locked onto his bright red ones.

My expression mirrors his own and I hurriedly press my lips against his, hungry for his attention to fulfil my own. He accepts my passion and returns it, holding my smaller body with his larger one as we embrace one another, our kisses becoming longer and deeper, the lingering taste of sweets on our tongues mixed with the arson in the air.

As we part, the fire warms us both and his eyes slim as he looks at me carefully. Our cheeks are scorching just like the fire and our bodies remain touching. I love you, he says and before I can reply he nuzzles into my neck. A short giggle escapes my mouth as his hair tickles me and I lean into him, my hands running through his styled locks, I love you too.

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