Creative Writing - Obsessed

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A/N - Sorry for the missed upload last month, and the short one today. My family and I are currently grieving so expect delays/shorter works in coming months.

Obsessed. I am obsessed with every part of you, your clothes, your grin, your jokes and words. I am engraving them into my mind, my speech, my heart.

I am trying to reincarnate your golden soul within myself so I will have something to cover up the gaping hole you have left behind.

I am trying to be like you because I want to feel close to you again, the same closeness that was present when we laughed together or took a walk. The bond we had was as true as perfection, so pure that we never had to express how much we loved one another because we felt it already.

Your presence was a loud one, vibrant like chaotic sunshine and undeniably glorious. I am trying to fill the silence you have left behind to save us from being sucked into the growing voids fate has trapped within us all.

I want to take your things and use them, wear your rings, use your scents, listen to your playlists. My mind never forgets you, it cannot and will not.

I am obsessed with you because I fear the day I am not I will have to say goodbye for real.

And I don't think my heart could survive that.

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