Writing Challenge - Day 4

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4. Write a "tabloid" story about a favourite celebrity

Soooo I'm kinda bending the rules a little, but I'm writing about a fictional celebrity, because she is my favourite OC so far and I just love her. Technically there's no rules against it buuuuut, I just don't have a favourite celebrity in real life tbh :/

*Breaking News*
Famous heiress, Robin Wayne returns to Gotham city after being missing for 11 years!

Young Robin Wayne, last seen aged 7 years old, returned home to her father and adoptive brothers at the esteemed Wayne manor only last week. Since then she has been getting back into the swing of her hectic life as a Wayne in Gotham city

Robin Wayne has always been a renown figure in the state, known by many for her genius brain, undoubtedly inherited from her father Bruce Wayne, multi-billionaire and owner of Wayne Industries. Recently turned 17, as a nearly grown adult with endless possibilities ahead, it is only imagined that she would become heir to the family business and take over from her father when he retires. Not much is known about the social activities of Miss Wayne and there are questions about her behaviour and if it mirrors anything of the playboy attitude her father has gained a reputation for. However, through her hard work she has certainly proved that she is more than just her father's shadow.

Miss Wayne has commented on her return that she "was unaware of how much she meant to the city and to her family" and we must agree that her reputation as a citizen of Gotham does hide some of the crime that clouds the worse for wear parts of the city. Even this week she has already begun contributing to charity, winning the charity football match in the place of her father's absence.

We interviewed her and Richard "Dick" Grayson further on her return.

"How does it feel being home?"
Robin: "It feels amazing! When I got home my father and my brothers were waiting, of course I only recognised Dick here, but it was nice to come home to a full house. I most certainly missed Alfred's home cooking."
Dick: "Rob's settling really well, much better to the extra faces than I thought she would. It's a lot livelier at home now"

"Any plans now you're home?"
Robin: "I hope to continue working alongside my father, but also helping a smaller team at STAR Labs in central city. I'd also like to get some charity work done, perhaps even attend a few events, enjoy being a socialite for awhile."

"Is there any romance in the air?"
Robin: "Uh... ha yeah I guess. I should've seen this question coming. Let's just say after coming home, I realised that I didn't want to wait any longer to tell him that I loved him. It's unofficial at the moment though."

"Are we allowed to know a name?"
Robin: "I don't know, it's up to him really. (Looks to Richard Grayson)"
Dick: "Well we probably should make it official at one point right. Haha."
Robin: "Okay, well he's sat right beside me, it's Dick. We've recently just realised that after such a long time apart, that our relationship,while innocent when we were younger, was always destined to be this way."
Dick: "Yeah, it's just opened a world of possibilities, but Bruce is behind it, actually he already predicted it, we're just glad he supports us and we hope others do too."

"What's it like being the heiress to Bruce Wayne?"
Robin: "Ah well, my father is a great man, despite his flaws, he is a good father and he really does care for this city. It's his home and he wants to make it better for everyone. It's always interesting at the office, watching the advancement of technologies, but it's even more enjoyable visiting hospitals and helping charities. He's been my role model all my life and his shoes are going to be very hard to fill. Sometimes I feel like heiress doesn't suit me, but I'm reminded, especially by Dick, that I am smarter than my dad at times, but let me tell you I have made some of his mistakes before too."

"What are your opinions on the Batman and other heroes/vigilantes?"
Robin: "I knew this question might appear. See I was around when the Batman began, I wasn't sure at first, initially I was partly terrified, but when I discovered he was helping the city and not killing people, unlike some others, I accepted it. Vigilantes overall may not be legal, but you must admit they do as good a job if not a better job than the police at times. I admire their devotion, their sense of responsibility and also their selflessness. I've even met a couple myself during my time away from Gotham, they are kind people and I will announce here officially that I support them."

Dick: "You'd think she was one of them the way she puts them on a pedestal haha, but in all seriousness they're not always a bad thing. As an officer I have had help from heroes and they allow you to get justice in cases where it's almost impossible sometimes."

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