Descriptive Writing - Beautiful Stranger

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Inspired by:
Finally//beautiful stranger by Halsey.

// Beautiful stranger //
He was tall, taller than average, but not so tall that when you saw his elongated frame you thought 'giant' or 'titan'. Short brown hair topped his head in a half-attempt at being tidily trendy and sophisticated. From his movements you could see the careful consideration in the way he carried things from one table to the other, quietly caring with gentle sound so as to not disturb those around him.

His steps were light and easy, they left no trace, there was no harshness in his presence. His amber eyes sparked as they caught the sun, falling in your direction as the warm honey colour followed your movements carefully and kindly. Your mind was not unsettled by his easy gaze and despite having this unique beauty, it was not what had enraptured your thoughts on him.

No, instead it was the mystery of his smile, the way his voice swam through the air so elegantly. You had tried not to romanticise his inward appearance, but his interactions with others seemed pure and innocent and you hoped that this honest sincerity was his true inner self. What a gift it would be to be so beautiful inside and out.

// here you are //
She steps closer, chewing her velvet lips in anticipation. The lilt in her voice sings to your ears and you cannot help but accept the music. The calm movements of her hands as they take your own, soothing them with brushes of her fingertips.

Her cheeks light up as you watch her fluster under your blushing compliment. She attempts to pull her hair across her freckled cheeks to hide from her embarrassment.

In her eyes she had been a face amongst the crowd, but she had shone like the ocean in the summer sun, a shimmering swarm of beauty. You had searched for her often, like a magpie searching for the most valuable item to take home. And here she was, standing against you, her back perfectly fitted into your hold as you embraced her warmth.

// in my arms //
He was always so careful, touching you ever so slightly not to injure you under his strength. His arms were large and secured, a net of safety that left you always comforted and serene.

As he held you against his rising chest, your heart fell in time with his, your breath hitching as the two of you felt the skip in your chests at the proximity.

He was a dream among many, one that you were in disbelief you had found. His laugh always cheered you up and one joke from his ruby lips left your stomach sore from overdone laughter. He was a home away from home and even if you were in the most despicable setting imaginable, you knew with him you'd have at chance at surviving.

// but I think it's finally, finally, finally, finally, finally safe //
She was a sea breeze, always smelling sweetly of freshness. Her passionate gestures were a source of unrelenting energy and she revitalised your mind with sweet words and quick witted teases.

Her hips swayed when you danced and mesmerised your body to follow, swing with her, smile with her, dream with her.

She was an ocean alright, so daring and brave, yet calm and shy. It was a risk to step into her world, of such intensity, but it was a risk that felt safe, feeling like something far from a risk as she drowned you in her affection.

The tide was low, she had shown you the way towards her, parted the watery walls that guided you to her hidden self. This would be final, the final gesture...

// for me to fall //
It was a feeling like no other, to embrace hands and hearts with smiling eyes and soft kisses. A playful grin as loving tickles teased joyful giggles from youthful chests.

Breathless silence swept knots through her hair as his eyes grasped her shine once again against the light breeze. With hesitant words, both spoke the butterflies that had hatched inside them.

Words of love were like the emperors wings, regal and overruling. They were filling and sound, a soothing lullaby to their racing hearts.
Falling had never felt so easy.

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