Writing Challenge - Day 8

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8. If you could produce a TV show, what would the story be?

Honestly I'd like to make a TV show out of the novel I'm writing , but for secrets sake I'll choose something different :)

365 Days - A basic plot summary of the series

Hi! I'm Daevi, I'm a passing spirit. Not like the typical ghost who haunts people, no, I'm only passing through before the afterlife. See, a passing spirit. The only downfall to this procedure is that I will cease to exist after 365 days, or a year depending on how you want to view it. I have a year left to settle any unsolved issues and problems, or I could just have fun and enjoy it while it lasts. I don't have a home, but on the plus side I don't get cold and I don't get hungry. I get to live a normal year, but without the dangers that normally come with being human. When I was human I was a clutz, I wasn't reckless, I was just clumsy, but I can see how the two may get stuck together.

I've decided to go to high school again, I never finished my senior year so I wanted to finish it, say I was an official adult before I died once and for all. I didn't have any family issues to resolve- heck I didn't have a family to have issues with. So i'm going to live my 365 days left having fun.

Day 1:
I've decided to follow around this group of people at school who I guess I may have fit in well with. There was Dylan, the charismatic class clown, Tom the resident computer whizz, he's already hacked the school's security system, Jackie, she's a musician and can sing like...well she's working on it, but her guitar skills, they were amazing, and finally there was Saffie, the quiet artist with a secret addiction to graphic horror and video games. My sort of bunch.  As far as I can rememer, I know I was good at skateboarding, my balance is also pretty good because of this... maybe I did free running too? That may be pushing it slightly, that's a pretty extreme sport depending on where you do it. But still, I felt like this was my group of people and elected to follow at least one of them around.

Day 12:
Okay so Saffie has been acting weird slightly, she keeps looking at things behind me and I'm worried I'm making my presence too known. I'm going to hide over the weekend and see if it's still the same. The others don't seem to notice but they've also recognised something is off with Saffie too. I hope she's okay.

Day 15:
Saffie is still looking at me, but I think I figured out what's going on. I'm waiting until she's alone before I confront her. She's left her sketch pad on the table and it's obvious that's she's not blind. On the back page, hidden away is a surprisingly good drawing of myself, my spirit form and all.

Day 20:
Saffie introduced me to the others, they call all see me now. I don't know why but I need to ask the fairies about this later, humans can't normally keep in touch with random strangers. Drake, the new kid- our new friend- seems cool. He's like all those stereotypical bad boys, apart from he's not and he's like a big marshmallow. His bad reputation doesn't suit him.

Day 30:
My new friends are actually not strangers! Apparently they think they've all seen me before somewhere, back when I was alive. We're trying to figure out where from. In the meantime Jackie and Saffie are giving me relationship advice. A certain person has caught my eye and I'm not quite sure how to confess, I am a spirit destined to disappear after all, what can I really do?

Day 100:
Okay so it's taken too long to do this, but I finally confessed to Drake. He wasn't quite sure about my confession. I don't know if it's because I'm a spirit or if he's just not into guys. My heart hurts so much and I feel like I could die again.

Day 107:
Okay so Drake confessed to me after a week of waiting, so rude.... hehe, but I forgive him! I was so happy when he told me, he apologised because he didn't know if he felt the same, I feel a bit bad for making him question himself and everything he made himself be up until now, but he reassures me that I've pushed him towards discovering his real bisexual self and I'm really happy for him.

Day 200
Drake and I went to the skate park today with the others, it's my first time here with an actual skateboard and not just to sit and drink. I guess I really was a skateboarder in my past life, since I could do everything and anything. I was like a skateboarding encyclopaedia all day! We talked a lot about everything, but then things got a little deep and there was a lot of tears, myself included. I can't believe I only had 165 days left. I didn't want to leave Drake alone, I was meant for him, I know it.

Day 264: The Guys figured out where they knew me from. I was a skate champion in my area, but I died one day during a fatal fall at an event. Lol I was such an idiot, I knew I couldn't stick that landing, but I tried anyway. So much for yolo.

Day 364: I'm watching Drake sleep soundly as the sun rises on my last day existing. I can't stop crying and I wish I never died. I don't want to leave him by himself. I love him. Why is this world so cruel? Why are spirits back to live a year of their life again, it only makes leaving again that much harder.

Day 365:
Drake is actually hugging me. I can feel his warm hands on my cheek, his soft, tear stained lips against my own. Why is this world so cruel? I am dying again, I am selfish, I am an idiot. I broke my heart. I broke Drake's. But he still loves me. He said he'd forgive me, that he'd love me forever. I would be his forever. The guys are all here too waving with tears in their eyes as I step back, my form slowly dissolving away. Saffie smiles as she holds up the graphic novel she made about my year with her and the others. Dylan tries to make a joke to cheer us up, it makes us cry even more. Jackie is singing, she's good now and it really adds the melancholy to the atmosphere. Tom is holding the spirit box that allows me to speak with them, but my words are fading with my energy. I scream a last goodbye as we cry. My 365 days are up.


"Daevi? Is it? Is it really you?" A man asks me. I turn and look at the young male, his eyes full of tears. He forces my lips against his.. they are so familiar I can't help but fall into his arms and return the desperate kiss. "It's Drake right?" I ask. He smiles, tears in his eyes. "Yeah, it's me Daevi. You came back to me," he cries, his smile never ending. A memory flashes in the back of my mind. A group of young teens, Drake and myself included in them. Tears fall down my face as I remember, I kiss Drake again, I put my apology, my love and my utter admiration for him into it and he smiles as we embrace, knowing that I had returned home.

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