Prompt #10

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"Lost Gods were the worst hitchhikers"

I lived in a world of demons and angels, a world of spirits and gods. I was a messenger of the living; I collected the wishes and prayers of the people who grieved over their lost relatives and friends, who passed on sooner than they had wanted.

Our world was a direct reflection of the world below, the same air, the same sounds. Apart from our world was clean and sectioned into different areas. Demons lived in the North, angels and spirits lived in the South and gods, well, they lived wherever they chose, although it was usually in the spirit and angel areas. The sun was brighter here and it's warm rays seemed to acquire healing properties as I drew back the curtains for the morning, stretching and yawning to properly wake up my body which was still deep in slumber.

I made my way over to the mirror to examine myself. My hair was scruffy and my ears stuck out from behind the birds nest. My tail was curled around my body, glued to my pale blue skin because I had mistakably slept on it. My messenger marking that was engraved into my eye shone a deep gold as another message went through my head. I sighed and headed to the shower, my pure white wings being relieved by the cool water as it unglued them from my skin too and rolled its way in between the velvety feathers. Today was going to be another long day.

I strapped on my gear over my clothes as I clawed my way through my damp hair with a hairbrush. After styling it into a design that satisfied me, I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror before leaving, locking the door behind me.

Exiting my apartment, I passed my neighbour and fellow messenger Jess. It appeared to me that she was extremely annoyed and I could only guess that it was due to her having a job in the demon territory. "Jess, I can take your job if you want to do mine in the spirit district" I offered. Jess's eyes lit up with relief. "Was it really that easy to tell? I guess I will swap with you Ellie if you're offering, you're too kind to me you know that," she replied. "Maybe, but I don't mind, here's the job I got" I said, implanting the wish into a messenger card and passing it to her. She did the same with her own and thanked me again.

When I left the apartment complex I spread my wings and darted north towards demon territory. Not many wishes went to demons, but it was our job to deliver. The only problem is that most messengers couldn't stand the North. My reason for tolerating the place was because I was half demon, half angel. I was never a human soul and was born from the conflict between demons and angels and the war that nearly destroyed the heavens and wiped out both demons and angels alike. My birth created unity, but I was told my purpose was much more than just the unity of the creatures of heaven.

Following the directions on the card Jess gave me; I slowed my flying and dropped to the ground to proceed on foot. Upon walking into the demon town I was deafened by a large scream which echoed through the buildings. Demons kill demons, they fought all the time. That's why you shouldn't get attached to one another. Demons were pain, mentally and physically. As I walked further into town my wings wrapped around me slightly as glares and cautious glances were thrown at me. The best bit about it was that my demon half would give off a threatening aura like an invisible wall. People learned to stay away.

Reaching my destination I knocked on the door to face a half demon that was human in shape, but demon in mind. "What do you want?" He asked me, clearly annoyed by my presence. "There's a wish in your name sir, I'm messenger Elderflower here to deliver it," I replied. The man surveyed my wings then my tail and pale skin. "How are you one of Gods messengers? You're practically a demon," he asked curious. "I'm the unity messenger from the war sir," I explained. He took another glance at me with piercing eyes and grunted in disbelief. "Fine, what's the wish?" he asked. I stretched out my hand and passed him the messenger card. Not needing to continue my interaction with the displeased man, I began to walk away.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the town a large hand clasped my tail, causing me to recoil in place. "What was that for?" I growled, my pointed teeth bearing slightly. "I'm sorry Miss Elderflower, but I have a favour to ask." A young man stood before me with a perfect complexion and god like features, his face screamed innocence and purity. I just growled at a God! I quickly changed my mood and patiently waited for his request. "See I need help getting home to the South, would you help me?" He asked politely. "You are a God; I cannot ignore your request. Call me Ellie and you are?" I replied, hoping to learn the identity of my new client. "Lodros the God of Nature," he answered. "Well Lodros, climb aboard, I'll fly you there," I said. He nodded and climbed onto my back. I stretched my wings out wide and began to take off as my wings began rhymically flapping to increase my altitude, the young god sat safely on my back.

Once we were in the clouds I felt the god's grip on me tighten and my wings flinched in response. I smiled as he warily opened his eyes to look at the ground. "Woah! This is so cool!" Take me over there," he cried excitedly, pointing to a lake. Being a messenger I couldn't refuse his request and had to abide by it, which was the only rule I was given upon my creation. I could not disobey or ignore a god's request no matter how big or small, or kind or evil. I flew above the lake and circled it in the sky. "This is Lake Serenity," I explained. "I know, it's where I was born, it looks even better from the sky," he exclaimed.

I sighed as I circled the lake for the tenth time. "May we leave now, I cannot fly forever," I asked. "Of course you can, you're part demon after all," he retorted. "But we may leave, I know the work you do is important." I was relieved that I could finally move on and headed southwards again at a greater speed. We had only been flying 5 more minutes when Lodros called out, "stop over there," pointing at another lake, this time with a large blossom tree. "Don't you think the blossom goes with your skin?" He asked, as he caught it from the sky as it fell around us. "It has never been something I thought of," I replied. "Well you have to let me catch some for you!" He exclaimed. I mentally groaned. "Okay, I will circle around for you."

After what felt like hours he finished collecting the blossom and allowed me to move on. After another seven stops, I finally lost my patience with the God. "I'm sorry, but I'm growing annoyed and I would like it if I could take you home now." The god looked at me with admiration in his eyes. "Ellie I admire your persistence and resilience. I see you still stick to your only law, to continue your loyalty to the gods," he said pausing for breath. "You may take me home now, I've finally figured out where I was. I'm sorry I'm only telling you this now, but I was a little lost."

When I finally was relieved of the god's company, I returned home exhausted. God's were the worst hitchhikers. However, when I walked into my room there was a crown of cherry blossom with holy vines weaved into it. I silently thanked the God and lay on the bed to rest, my wings collapsing with me as the stretched out across my bed under my warm back.

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