Chapter 20

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Ana's POV

I was sitting with Luke. I look up at him his eyes gleaming. I whisper " I love you.'' " what?" " i love you Luke. You are here for me and you care for me. By the way when are we leaving NZ?" " 3 days. We will go asia, Europe and AMERICA!!" " AMERICA? REALLY??? YAY!!!" he laughed kissing my head. I look up when he goes to do it again but hits my lips instead. I crawl up onto his lap not breaking the kiss. I pull away seeing some odd look of.. want or something like that in his eyes. Woah. Freaky. I kiss him saying " Landon said there is more than just him coming for me." " Don't worry babe, I'm here." he pulls me in kissing me. I pull away for air. He kisses my neck biting occasionally. " Luke please stop." He stops looking at me with the same look in his eyes.... want like he wants someth....oh he wants ME. ummm ok then. I climb of his lap going to Calum's room seeing him and Fin Making out. Wow classic. " Cal, um can i talk to you, in private?" " sure Ana, Fin do you mind?" Fin steps out. I sit by Cal on his bed. " Whats up gurl?" " well i was kissing Luke and he had a look in his eyes.. it was want.. i was scared bacause he started to bite and kiss my neck. What should i do?" " Just tell Luke your not ready for THAT stepp. then tell him when you are ready for that step. He would understand, i promise. Ok?" " ok." i hug Cal walking back to Luke. Sitting down on his lap him clinging to me saying " hello Love!" He started again. Omg really? i said " Luke i know what you want. I'm not ready for that.'' stops and hugs me " I'm so sorry! I didn't realise what i was doing!" I was stunned. Ok did that just happen? He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and cuddled me into his chest.

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