Life away from home.

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He looked me deep in the eyes and said " you don't need that life. This is your new life. Your life away from home." I thought to myself. ' What if they come for me?' I sat there. Beside him thinking of the endless possibilities.

Chapter one.

Hi Im Anastasia Riley. I live in Sydney, Australia. My parents are separated but still live in the same single wide trailer. I have 2 siblings. A little sister and little brother. Im 16 years old. My parents get in fights and don't let the kids eat. They lock the Cabinets shut for days on end. I have been planning to escape for a while now. Only my siblings know they are all in so I can go get help. I will escape 2 nights from now. * fast-forward 2 days*
Tonight is the night is escape. I have the feeling that our parents are in a mood so I will be in my room. At 8:00 sharp I will sneak out the window. I will run down the street and to the town. I will then run to the pay-phone ( i don't have a cellular divice) and call the police to come pick me up. I will then go in and have them take my horrible parents away. * fast-forward 12 hours* its time. My moms in my room and dad in the living room. I open my window silently. I jump out and grab my draw-string bag. I close the window quietly. I sneak to the backyard and see the fence is locked. I take a bobby pin from my hair pick the lock. As I pull the door open a alarm sounds. UGH! My dad run out and yells " OH NO YOU DONT!" and chases after me. Im at least 15 feet away. I am in the dark part of town. I see an ally an jump into it and hide. I hear my dad yell " ANASTASIA YOU LITTLE!!!" and run right past the ally way. I stand up and exit the other side. I raise my hand trying to find a ride be for he finds me. A red car pulls up. I jump in and look at the driver. A cute blonde boy with gleaming blue eyes. I remember from some where. Maybe my best friend Infinity. I say fastly out of breath "" he pointed back saying in a raspy voice " is that him?" " YES!!!! GO GO GO GO!!" He slams on the gas as we speed off.

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