Chapter 4

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I awoke the next morning in Luke's bed. He wasn't there. I got up and took a quick shower. I hopped out and put on my skirt and a ruffled tank. I then grabbed my converse and fixed my air dried hair. I put on little make-up and walked out. I heard laughs and voices in the kitchen. I walked in and Luke and Calums eyes widened. I bit my lip and sat by the two. Luke whispered in my ear " you look beautiful. " I smirked and said " so um are we going to the police station???" Ash nodded and said " we will leave in about 30 mins." I nodded. * 30 mins later*
We got in the car and made our way to the station. When we got there they stayed in the car as i went in. I walked in. A young looking female police-man was sitting at the desk she smiled and asked " hello what may I help you with?" " Hi um well I ran away from home last night to get help but got in a little bit of a funk so um the reason is that my parents starve me and my siblings. I came to get help. But my dad followed me so my plan just barely worked." I finished with a smile. She typed all that in. She then said " what are your parents names?''
" James and Lisa Riley. im Anastasia Riley." She said " ok lastly what is the address?" " 8692 New James road. Sydney, Australia. " She sau into her radio some jibber ish i couldn't make out. Then a bell of the door went off. I turned to see my dad standing there. I yelped. The officer said softly " who is he?" I whispered " m-my d-dad." she pulled her gun and walked up yelling " DROP! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" he dropped. He yelled looking at me " YOU LITTLE!" i snickered saying " You finally get what you diverse." He yelled yet again " OFFICER YOU MUST ARREST THE BOYS WHO KIDDNAPPED HER!" she had a puzzled look on her face but i yelled " THEY DIDN'T KIDNAPP ME THEY TOOK ME IN! AND IM GOING WITH THEM. SEE YA!" i walked out. I went to the car and sighed. Ashton said " so??"I replied " Well he came in i guess to charge yall with kidnapping and got arrested." They smiled " ok good. Lets get to the air port shall we?" Calum exclaimed. The other nodded. We went to the air port and the news was on one of the T.V. it said
* BREAKING NEWS two officers killed along with two young children. Cause of death undetermined. WARNING two inmates on the lose.* i saw the pics. I couldn't believe my eyes

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