Chapter 3

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There stood my dad. I gasped and staggered back. " I-i-it's him." i stuttered. Ashton came over to me ad helped me to a closet to hide in. He went back an i heard me dad yell " WHERE IS SHE?" Luke replied " who? i have no idea who this she is sir." my father yelled back " I SAW HER GET IN YOUR CAR!" Luke yelled back " she got on but got out and reseverd a hotel room on west main. " My father said " i will be back!" he left. Michael came and got me out. He said " tommarow morning we are leaving for tour. You are coming with us." I stuttered " n-no i-i c-cant." " Of course you can Anastasia! you can't stay in Sydney." Luke said. I smiled and nodded. It was 11:00 so i walked torwards the couch. Luke yelled my name and said " ANASTASIA! COME HERE!" I turned and walked torwards his voice. I saw him and Calum in a bedroom. Both in just shorts. I gasped and blushed. Luke layed down and patted beside him. I shook my head. He got up and walked me to his bed. He sat me down. I layed down and stared at the roof. I felt the bed dip down. I turned facing the wall. I felt a arm around me. I gasped but fell asleep.

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