Chapter 15

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" Its all my fault! my fault!" if i hadn't begged to go to Fins this would have never happened Lashell, Sadie and Jack would all be alive! ME LUKE ME!" He embraced me and pulled me onto his lap and said " ANA! YOU DID NOTHING BUT DID WHAT 13 YEAR OLD GIRLS DO! FORGET IT! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED AND MANY MANY MORE! CAN IT WILL YA!" I gave him a warm hug saying " a taste of there own medicine." Okay so you would think i would instantly go back to Sydney for my parents. Well your wrong. I will stay with the boys because they are here for me. Also i heard Landon yell " I'm jot the only one after you Riley!" That really scared me. But hey im going to see REMI in just one hour. I get up and go to the bathroom the get dressed. I walk and hear someone walk behind me. I sipn with a fist up it only being Luke. " What are you doing?" I say to him. " Coming in with you, i cant take the chance of losing you to a few blades." He smiled a looked at his shoe " uhhh well I'm taking a shower and going to get ready to go to Remi's house." he shrugged and kept walking behind me I stepped in to the bathroom attempting to close the door but his foot stopping it. Why in the corn-nugget. I just what ever and steeped back and stood there. He sat on the toilet and looked at his shoes. i said " i sorta need to shower soooo" he smiled and said " go ahead." omcornnuggets. I just stepped in the shower clothes still on and undressed behind the curtain. I showered and stuck my hand out for a towel. He placed one in hand. I dried off and said "ok what now?" he chucked and said " step out, put on clothes. " Smart little corn nugget aye? haha " well put something over your face." He sighed and said ok. I peaked out seeing Luke with a towel on his face. Wow I stepped out getting dressed immediately. Wow that was close as corn nuggets.


Haha so i hope you guys are liking it so far! this is deticateied to my BFF Jubilee! love ya gurl!!! Nice comments will get one!!!!! thx bunches.

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