Cat (and when you smile)

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Yuto took off his headphones startled by the strong shake he was given. He was focusing so much on his work, and as usual, he completely lost his sense of reality. He looked to the source of the disturbance to find Wooseok. But something was off.

"You have to come with me now." He said, eyes wide and expression firm. His body seemed slightly agitated, as if he was in a rush.

"What happened?" Yuto asked, concerned.

"Come on." Wooseok disappeared out the studio door, confident that the Japanese boy would follow.

Yuto got up, now anxiety-ridden. What could have happened that caused such behavior from the younger? Millions of scenarios were running through his head as he followed Wooseok through the dorms and out of the building. The younger was moving fast and Yuto struggled a little bit to keep up. When he exited the building and couldn't see Wooseok anymore, he looked around frenetically until he noticed the main gate ajar. The brisk winter wind bit at his warm cheeks, but he ignored it as best as he could. He hurried towards it and found Wooseok crouched next to two dumpsters. He approached him cautiously, shoes cracking the thin layer of snow under his weight. He already anticipated what the situation was about. He got closer to him and saw that Wooseok was holding a small animal in his cupped hands.

A kitten.

"I found her here in the snow," Wooseok said as Yuto lowered himself to examine the kitten better. She was so small that she fit perfectly in Wooseok's large palms. She had big green eyes, now half-lidded as she trembled from the cold, and her fur was black, which contrasted lovely with the white snowflakes that landed on her back, that Wooseok would melt with one sweep of his warm touch. "We can't leave her here, Yuto. She'll freeze to death."

Wooseok had a point. But also, they were strictly not allowed any sort of pets in the building. The company couldn't risk their idols possibly getting an allergy reaction, bug bites, or whatever disease an animal might bring along. They could get in serious trouble for even being outside right now, touching an unauthorized, unvaccinated animal.

Wooseok peered at Yuto and the Japanese boy knew they were thinking about the same thing. His big worried eyes, full of sadness and remorse for the small creature made Yuto's soul weak.


The younger was a big animal lover, Yuto knew that. Wooseok loved cats. He had cats of his own back home, and Yuto shared in this undetermined affection as well. It was incredibly hard of a choice, the fate of his career, the fate of the small kitten and Wooseok's pleading eyes.

Yuto made a move to take the kitten from Wooseok's hold, brushing against his warm hands as he did, picking the black bundle up and holding it to his chest to warm it up.

"Let's take her to our room." He said and watched the younger's expression lighten up in pure gratitude and admiration.

"Okay." He smiled brightly.


The kitten was quickly recovering from its partial frostbite, now running around a laughing Wooseok, as he dragged around a shoelace for her to chase.

Luckily, no one was at the dorms except Yuto before Wooseok came, and no one was around to see the ordeal they got themselves into. Yuto knew they will have to tell the other members though, and he can tell how this all is going to end. But for now, he enjoyed the heartwarming sight before him. They brought her some leftover chicken from last night's meal that the kitty gulped up hungrily. Yuto wondered how long has she been hiding there, freezing and famished. And thank god for Wooseok's kind heart.

"She looks so much like a baby panther, don't you think?" He asked Yuto, sporting a bright smile and sparkling eyes as he held the kitten up to his face level.

"Mm, a cute black panther." Yuto smiled and tickled the kitten's belly until she squirmed adorably. Wooseok gasped.

"Wakanda. That's her name." Yuto laughed. The name fits perfectly. "Wakanda forever."

Wooseok pretended to be tackled by Wakanda, who bravely stood on the taller's chest as he lay flat on the floor.

"Ahhh, she got me," he mocked in defeat. "You got me, Wakanda!" 

It was a rather comical sight, as the cat's size was so incredibly small compared to the boy's. The kitty spun around a couple of times before she settled down in the shape of a doughnut on the taller's chest and started purring. Wooseok was in heaven. Yuto came closer to the younger, now on his knees in front of the latter's chest and leaned down to kiss the kitty on its small black nose. Wakanda nuzzled Yuto's face, purring intensified. He then leaned on his back next to Wooseok, now mimicking his position.

"I really miss my cats," Wooseok said but Yuto didn't answer. They were both painfully aware of what's to happen to Wakanda. They can't keep her. It's impossible. "I wish I could send her back home. I wonder if my parents would take her in."

"It's a long way.." Yuto muttered and Wooseok nodded acknowledgingly.

"Yeah.." he replied.

Minutes passed, and the boys sat in silence on the floor, with Wakanda innocently napping in her cozy spot on Wooseok's chest. Yuto turned on his side and idly petted Wakanda's soft fur for a while, then he let his hand lay limp on the taller's chest, right next to his heart. He could feel the rhythmic thump on his fingertips and it was low and calm. But he knew inside the boy there was a battle going on, as they were both aware that any minute the rest of the members will walk through the front door, and this play-pretend will be brought to an end.

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