Hand (and let me go)

77 11 78

"A little bit of porn ahead, tee hee," says the porn warning.


"Yeah, he just took off."
"No, I don't know. He's been gone for a long time now."
"Yeah, I'm okay"
"Yes, I promise"
"Yeah, I'll wait."

Hearing Wooseok's lovely voice, heavy by both concern and relief was truly heart-easing. Yuto didn't know how much he actually missed him until he heard him on the other line.

After Dalo ran off, Yuto couldn't decide whether to go after him or not. And the longer he took to decide, the faster time passed and the farther Dalo had gotten. Yuto sprinted to the kitchen window to check up on his car, and as expected, it wasn't there anymore. He was truly alone in Dalo's apartment. And the most concerning things of all were that his phone was in Dalo's car. He didn't know where he was and there was no way to check or call someone to help.

With Dalo gone, Yuto certainly wasn't gonna stick around any longer. Luckily, in his rush, Dalo didn't take his time to lock the door, so the Japanese boy packed his bags and took off and fast as he could. Hopefully, he's going to find a bus stop or if he's lucky an underground station.

The snow had stopped a long time ago, although a heavy amount had layered since the last time Yuto was outside. He made his way through it, getting his feet wet and cold, his thin sneakers unable to preserve enough heat in these conditions.

What happened at the apartment was bizarre and out of nowhere. It happened so fast, Yuto had only now started to process it, as he was walking all alone in the night, with the moon as his only guide and his thoughts as his only companion. He'd never seen anyone so scared in his entire life. Dalo was horrified. Yuto wondered what made him like this. What kind of odious occurence could traumatize someone in such a way to make them so afraid of a gentle touch? A helping hand? 

He thought of him and he felt pity. He started to regret not even trying to follow him out.

He walked around for a bit, but the area was purely residential. No bus stop anywhere and Yuto cursed himself for not paying attention to the road when Dalo drove him here.

Along his way up the road, however, the heavens graced him with an old but working phone booth. Yuto was extremely excited to get his feet out of the snow. The cabin wasn't much change of temperature from outside, but at least it was shielded from the wind. And luckily, Yuto had Wooseok's phone number memorized. He searched his pockets for a couple of quarters and inserted them into the machine. His fingers, red and almost numb from the cold, dialed the number carefully.

Wooseok answered after two rings with an annoyed, groggy 'hello'.

A wave of intense fondness washed over Yuto upon hearing the younger's sleepy voice and suddenly it wasn't so cold anymore. It almost overpowered his guilt for waking Wooseok up so late at night. He didn't even know what time it was. He guessed it was nearing 2 A.M.

On the other side, the younger jumped up instantly when he heard Yuto, bombarding him with questions of 'are you okay' and 'where are you' and 'why didn't you answer my calls' all topped up with a silent 'I was so god damn worried about you, I almost called the cops and the feds and the military and your mom'.

Yuto could barely contain the wide grin that stretched over his face.

"I'll come to get you right now. Just tell me where you are."

"I, uh-" Yuto hesitated, looking around him for any street names or postcodes. "I'm not sure, Woo. Oh," He spotted a rusty sign on the corner of a building. He dictated everything that was written on it to Wooseok and the younger noted everything down carefully.

You Wrote Me a Letter (but I never learned how to read) || Wooyu ||Where stories live. Discover now