Spring (and I am Winter)

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Three days have passed and that night was still left unmentioned.

Three days have passed and Yuto's ankle healed almost entirely. Or at least that's what he told the others.

Just like he told Wooseok that he ate breakfast every morning, when in reality the breakfast in question went partially digested down the drain of the bathroom sink.

Their schedule was busy all the time, so Wooseok and Yuto hardly saw each other, except late at night, which shouldn't count because Yuto always came in too late and Wooseok would already be fast asleep.

One particular day they had an entire free evening synchronized and Wooseok insisted for Yuto to take him to see Wakanda at the pet shop.

"She's still there, right?"

Yuto hasn't received any call from the shop, so that means she hasn't been adopted yet. He didn't know whether to feel sad because she's still there, or feel happy because Wooseok can get the chance to see her again.

"How come you want to see her so out of the blue?"

Wooseok looked down and rubbed the back of his head.

"I just... I regret not coming with you and Hyunggu at that time. So, please come with me?"

Yuto was aware that they shouldn't, not without the managers' approval. Even if Yuto and Wooseok are clearly alright being around pets, they both owned cats back at home and neither had a history of allergic reactions caused by animals. But idol rules are strict. And if someone else would ask Yuto, he'd probably refuse, but this was Wooseok. Because after all, wherever Jung Wooseok would go, Yuto would follow.

So here he was now, snow cracking under his unsuitable for the weather conditions sneakers, following closely behind Wooseok who was leading the way with his hands care-freely stretched at the back of his head.

Considering the previous events, the atmosphere between them was surprisingly comfortable. Wooseok was happily chatting about this really interesting series he wanted to watch when they finished promoting, and Yuto was contentedly listening and smiling, setting his troubles aside for the time being. Wooseok just had that effect on him. He just brings that sort of positive energy that lightens up an entire room, and Yuto greedily absorbs it like a sponge. Because he needs it. He needs Jung Wooseok.


Upon entering the pet shop, Wooseok instantly sprinted towards the bird cages, admiring the same gorgeous cockatoo that Kino did last time as well, leaving Yuto in charge of speaking to the shop tenant.

The girl recognized Yuto immediately, and before he could even say something she offered him a deep bow, apologizing constantly, leaving Yuto confused.

"Ah, I'm very happy that you've come back." She said apologetically. "The truth is, I must have misplaced the piece of paper that had your number. Either that or my manager must have accidentally thrown it away, so I hadn't had a chance to call you."

"Oh," Yuto shot her a worried look. "It's-It's alright. So, then... I'm guessing she's not here anymore?" He asked, already getting nervous imagining the disappointed look on Wooseok's face.

"She is still here." She replied and Yuto let out a relieved sigh. "She has been picked by this nice couple three days ago. They will be adopting her tomorrow, so you got here just in time."

"That's really good to hear." He said granting her a sight of his gorgeous smile that left her blushing. "Is it alright if we see her?"

The girl nodded frivolously and led the boys to Wakanda's cage, who shot right up on her feet at the sight of them. Wooseok couldn't take his eyes off her as the girl unlocked the cage, allowing the tall boy to elope the cat in his arms again.

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