Love (and you can't save me)

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Throughout his life Dalo presumed he had borne his solitude stoically enough, disregarding the reality of how lonely he actually was. He was a solitary soul by nature, is what he liked to think, although he was well aware of the things that built him to become like this. Staying away would prevent having things stolen from him. Inherently, people are vicious creatures.
They are.
He is.
It takes a monster to create a monster.
Sometimes he likes to wonder if he would've been someone else now, if things would have been different. He doesn't want to be different. He is very much content with the way he is right now. He is strong and dominating. Clever, intuitive, quick-witted. He wouldn't trade that for any other differently envisioned form of himself, because what he is now is the peak of his character.

However, the very presence of a certain curly-haired Japanese boy makes him involuntarily doubt his strongly determined seclusion. He didn't know when it started, really. Whatever unnecessary emotions he sometimes got for the pretty bishonen were always thrown into the imaginary trash can of his brain. And the more he gawped at that god damn birds nest, the more he believed that perhaps bringing Adachi Yuto here was a mistake. But Dalo wasn't one to make mistakes.

The little Robins were still sleeping soundly in their little nest under his balcony roof. He's been guarding them since Yuto pointed them out to him. He saw them trembling from time to time and pressing harder into one another. He wondered what would that feel like. Is it warm? Is it safe?

He was growing more anxious by the second. This newfound confusion that was brought alongside the Japanese boy's company threw him completely off his tracks. It was that stupid photograph and Yuto's bizarre undivided benevolence that started it all. An oasis in this wasteland. That's what Dalo started to think Yuto was.

When the snowflakes stopped and the winter sun dipped into the darkness of the horizon, Yuto called his name, and Dalo was wondering how did time pass him by so quickly.

"Did you eat anything today?" the younger asked from the doorway. Dalo admired the weak shadows that formed on his face from the lithe living room light. He shook his head.

"Me neither. We should eat something. What do you have?"

He blinked once. Twice. Food. Yuto needs food, of course.

He led the boy to his kitchen where Yuto looked over his cupboards and fridge with a staggered demeanor.

"You can't be serious." He said and he looked at the contents of the fridge agape. "All you have is protein shakes, that can't be all you eat."

"They're nutritious and filling," Dalo replied simply. "It's all my body needs"

"Don't you ever feel the need to eat a proper meal?"

"Sometimes." He answered, idly tapping his fingers on the kitchen counter. "In that case, I would just go out and eat."

Yuto watched him in disbelief, wondering how a person like this exists. Performing photosynthesis like a plant, or feeding off on the fear of his victims probably. The Japanese boy himself has times when he doesn't eat, when he is on a strict diet, but he'd always go back to his beloved takoyakis and ramen noodles at some point. Dalo was a bit taken aback as he watched Yuto pull on his coat.

"Let's go grocery shopping."

Was he serious? He watched him walk past him with the same elegant sway and a trace of vanilla fragrance left behind his steps.

"I'll make us something to eat." He turned back as he was putting on his shoes, seeing that Dalo still hasn't moved from the kitchen doorway. "Come on."

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