Moon (and the Sun)

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This is the porn warning, coming once again with a warning about the porn that shall be found in the following chapter, excuse me, mam', may I check your porn license, ok, looks good, you may proceed, enjoy the porn


Wooseok did promise that he would keep Yuto up all night with video games and anime, but actually committing to the pledged oath of the ultimate gamer was another story. The exhaustion prior to the arrival at the Jung residence and being drained of energy from having to deal with his energic family had accumulated over time, and by the end of the night, Wooseok was collapsed on his bed, fatigued.

The terrifying part was that he had abandoned poor Yuto in the living room, prey to his family's undivided attention, which caused Yuto's anxiety to double, now that he didn't have a familiar presence to rely on. Yuto would have gone with him, but he felt far too rude to leave so abruptly, like Wooseok did, so he swallowed his nervousness and stayed some more with them.

It wasn't as horrifying as he expected. Of course it wasn't. Nothing changed with Wooseok gone, and Yuto was able to talk to them freely and without restraint. At some point, Mr. and Mrs. Jung left to get ready for bed, it was pretty late to be fair, but Yuto and Sojin stayed longer and talked about various things, accompanied only by the fully decorated Christmas tree and the lit fireplace that shed orange hues on their sleepy faces.

By the time Yuto had showered and finally went to Wooseok's room, it was already 2 A.M and his eyelids were heavy, but his heart was warm.

From the doorway of the conjoined bathroom, he stared at the mess of arms and legs that constituted the shape of Wooseok, all tangled up in the sheets and thinking how lucky he was to have him in his life. How much he's offered Yuto. And how little Yuto had offered him.

He really tends to forget his place more often than usual lately.

It's just hard when it's about Wooseok.

Like right now.

All he wants is to crawl next to him and suffocate into his soft sweater and sweet scent. Let his long arms pull him closer and let slender fingers recklessly slide under his shirt to feel his skin. To stay in their bed cover paradise, regardless of the rising and falling of the sun.

Yuto shook his head.

He climbed next to Wooseok, careful not to make a sound. He wouldn't want to disturb his beautiful sleeping face. If he did, he wouldn't have been able to gaze upon it until sleep finally conquered his obsession for the younger's long eyelashes and glistening cheekbones.


Christmas day found Yuto and Wooseok still sleeping, regardless of Sojin's desperate but futile pounding on their door, in attempts to wake them up and have them come downstairs for breakfast. They were fast asleep since last night.

Well, Wooseok was.

Yuto has been awake for quite some time. Even back at the dorm, he'd be the first one to wake up most of the time. Wooseok was always last. Yuto never woke him up, unless it was necessary. And right now, it wasn't necessary. He just greedily enjoyed the view. The way the weak sunlight fell on his pearly shoulders, where his sweater had slid off a little bit, was absolutely ravishing.

Yuto barely had any knowledge of color theory, but he could write hundreds of pages of the way the hues in Wooseok's pigmented lips complemented his pale skin and raven hair.

How odd that he could do that.

How odd that it was no one else but Jung Wooseok.


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