airport shenanigans

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today was the day you leave for your class trip to honolulu. you and your whole class have been   preparing for this trip for atleast three months. our college had ran atleast 2 festivals and an auction to raise money for the trip. it was honestly quite tough raising the money, we almost had to cancel the trip until principle erwin insisted on putting money into it. thanks to him because if erwin weren't to do that, we wouldn't be going anywhere.

"y/n! do you have all your stuff ready? i put your facewash and tooth brush in a plastic bag, make sure to put it in your backpack before you leave!" your mother yelled from downstairs, causing you to panic. it's 11:34 A.M. and im supposed to be at the airport at 12:30 A.M. , which is a problem because i live 40 minutes away from the airport.

"yes... can you go start the car please?! im pretty much ready, i just have to put my shoes on!" yelling back. she responded with a simple 'yes' as i heard the front door open and slam shut.

hurrying, i put my right foot on my bed, quickly tying my shoe in a bow. after im done tying my shoes, i look back to the mirror that covers my closet, checking to make sure i dont look like absolute shit. the only thing i threw on this morning was gray nike sweatpants, an oversized gray t-shirt, overlapping it with a black and brown tie-dyed sweatshirt, and throwing on a pair of basic black and white lowtop vans. sighing in approval, i throw my hair in a messy top knot, grab my backpack, rummage down the stairs, and head out the door. forgetting the bag that hold's my facewash and toothbrush, as it sits on the kitchen counter.

as i got in the car, i pulled my charger out of the side of my backpack, taking the cord out of the box and plugging the charger cord into my mom's car outlet.

"got everything?" my mom questioned before pulling out of the driveway, earning a simple nod from me as i struggle to untagle my charger cord.

barely making it to the airport with only 7 minutes left to spare, i grab my charger from out of the outlet, giving my mom a quick peck on the cheek. after we exchange our farewells, i grab my backpack and hang it over one shoulder, quickly getting out of the car.

after going through security, i immediately facetime my bestfriend, armin. 'you better pick up the fucking phone you li-'

"bitch, where are you? mr. ackerman has been complaining for 20 minutes about how late you are!" armin finally answered, instantly yelling through the phone.

"i know i know, my mom just dropped me off. where are you guys? i cant see you anywhere, im waiting by luggage clai- oh, i think i see sasha! hold on." quickly hanging up the facetime call, i run over to the ginger haired girl, in hopes of it being her. to my luck, it is.

"sasha!" i called out to her "where the hell is everyone? ive been looking for like 5 minutes."

turning around, her face lights up immediately "dude, we've been waiting for you at the gate for so long. mr. ackerman has been bitching the whole time, he's not gonna be very happy with you. prepare yourself" she giggled, panera bread crumbs falling out of her mouth as she laughed.

"oh he can shove it." i reply rolling my eyes. mr ackerman is always on my ass about everything, wether it's me and armin goofing off in class, or me getting a bad grade on one of the tests he gives us, he gets overly frusturated, and decides to make his bad day everyones problem. he acts like he's my father and it pisses me off.

"here babe, you have crumbs like, all over your face..." i swipe my thumb all across her mouth, wiping the crumbs off of her face. we burst into laughter, and head over to the gates.

here we go... i already know im gonna get an earful from that hag, that damned handsome hag. i must admit, mr. ackerman is handsome, like, extremely handsome. but that still doesn't change the fact that i despise him.


what do you guys think of the first chapter? should i continue this story or are ya'll bored? lmk 😳

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