smoke sesh!

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WARNING: marijuana use. read at your own risk!

after figuring out where all of us were gonna smoke, we all decided on taking a walk down the street from the hotel. there was 2 problems...

1. we got too high and ended up lost in some random rainforest.

2. none of us have our phone's on us, and we're half naked with no shoes on.

"fucking christ! my leg's are starting to itch from walking so much. im so cold! there has to be a store near here or something! didn't hange take you to a shop near the hotel, y/n? where is that at?!" armin was starting to get on my nerves. he's been freaking out and complaining the whole time, and i don't know how long i can take it before i snap.

"first of all, you need to start going out more, your leg's should not be itching right now. and, the store was east. we went west, so it's not going to be anywhere near here." i groan to him, in hope's of him to stop complaining. that's obviously not the case.

"oh my goooooooooodddddd!! can you give me a piggy back ride, y/n? please! my leg-"

"armin! shut the fuck up! im so serious right now, i can't take your bitching and complaining for fuck's sake. you're ruining my high!" i scowled at him, closing my eye's in frusturation.

"let's not fight guy's. we have other thing's to worry about, you know!" connie chimed in "like how the fuck we're gonna get back. we're literally in our bathing suit's, high off of our asses, in the middle of a fucking rainforest."

sasha was finishing off one of the joint's, putting it out on a tree next to her. "we can clearly see that, connie."

"im so zooted right now." eren said, making everyone turn their head's to him.

"eren, please don't ever say 'zooted' again." jean started to make fun of him. they began to bicker back and forth, while jean teased eren with a lighter. connie was pacing around a tree repeatedly, armin kept begging me to let him on my back until i finally gave in, mikasa was sitting on a log next to jean, staring off in the distance, and sasha was in her own world, giggling and jumping around, higher than a bag of hair.

in all honesty, we're all baked as fuck.

"i think i hear car's. everyone shut up." mikasa suddenly spoke, standing up from the log. everyone went silent.

"wait, i think i hear it too." jean also got up from the log, holding the other lit joint out to anyone who wanted it. i instantly grabbed it, pulling it up to my lip's and taking a hit. "im gonna go check it out, stay here and wait for me to call for you." jean stated, making everyone nod, except for eren.

"okay, mr. ackerman." eren scoffed

"eren, don't fucking start with me. i'll kick your ass right-"

"just go asshole. we don't have time for this shit right now," i broke up the tension with the two boy's, shooing jean away. "do any of you guy's want this?"

armin grabbed the joint from my hand, taking a hit. i slightly jumped up so i could get a better grip on armin, who was still on my back. i suddenly felt a hot breath brush my ear, which made me flinch.

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