know your place

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the whole night was exhausting, yet not in a way where i desired sleep— but hearing petra's embarrassing attempt to seduce levi throughout the whole night made me want to shoot my brain's out.

petra isn't allowed to leave the room, so she's staying in here with levi and i until we have any updates on the covid situation. meaning me, i, have to spend a whole night (maybe even longer) with the person who annoys me the most.


i get it. she got stuck out into the hallway and apparently had nowhere to go... but what baffled me was that she had the audacity to latch herself onto him as soon as she stepped in the room, and when he pried her off of him—almost instantly— she had noticed i was in there as well and shot me a sly smirk, saying "y/n! i didn't know you'd be here... do you mind giving us a little privacy?" with her hands clutching the fabric of his shirt, rubbing circles around his chest.

my blood was boiling.

of course i hadn't acted on my anger— trying to be the bigger person here, but she was making it extremely hard for me. i grew a hate for this woman, a hatred i didn't know i could feel toward's a human being.

but... why? why did i feel so much hatred for her? her snarky replies were something that i brushed off, but her attraction and clinging onto levi made my head hot for some reason.

i would be lying if i said i hadn't felt anything toward's my professor, as disgusting as it sound's. it's the truth. but, i'm not the type of person to get jealous over something that isn't mine, unless i was in love with the person of course.

but there's no way i'm in love with levi. you think that because he clit fucked me with a toothbrush, i'm going to be head over heel's for him? please...

that's just not me.

so here i am, sitting on the couch of the hotel room, picking at my nails in attempt to avoid whats going on before me.

to my fucking suprise, there she is—petra— basically threatening levi to let him sleep on the bed with her.

levi had insisted that petra and i sleep on either the couch or the bed, while he takes the floor. i took the couch, while petra took the bed.

"isn't it uncomfortable down there?" she edged on, leaning over the edge of the bed to speak to levi who was getting himself situated with a blanket and a large pillow on the carpeted hotel floor. "it's so much better up here."

i could tell he was starting to get annoyed, and was about to snap any second now. she was beginning to make him extremely uncomfortable, that even a kindergartner could tell what type of mood he was in.

i need to say something.

"ms. ral... i think he's fine." i politely let her know, only to receive the dirtiest look that has ever been given to me. it was only for a split second, though, because her face formed back into that fake smile she always carries around. she giggled.

"i don't think i was talking to you..." she tried to hide her snideness with a chuckle, but i could see right through her.

trapped in honolulu | a. leviWhere stories live. Discover now