fear | part 1

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the whole ride back from bar 35 was exhausting. hange had come and picked us up in the rental bus, and relief washed over me once they assured me it was only them that came to get us. but when they told me levi wanted to talk to me when we got back, and only me; the anxiety that was dying down inside of me, skyrocketed even higher than before. thankfully, i am far from sober right now, because if i was, i would probably pass the fuck out.

i'm usually not one to be scared of levi, but there have defintely been times where i had to second that.  like when i convinced armin to skip his class with me last semester so we could go get chik-fil-a... long story short, i went home crying the next time i saw levi after that. of course he only yelled at me and not armin, which, im honestly not suprised. armin is more on the innocent side when it comes to levi. he's terrified of him, and everyone know's this. me, on the other hand... not so innocent.

"y/n... you okay?" armin pulled me out of my thought's, placing a hand on my shoulder for comfort. i hadn't realized how aggressively my leg was bouncing, and i noticed that my palm's were bleeding from balling my fist's too hard out of anxiousness. "you're bleeding, babes."

"why? why does he only want to speak to me, armin? this whole thing wasn't only my idea; all of us agreed to this. i don't fucking understand! he always assume's it's my doing in situation's like these." i wiped my bloody palm's onto the seat in front of us, which made armin groan in disgust.

"i mean, in all fairness..." i shot armin a death glare that made him go silent.

"i get it, i may not make the best choices...but still! he instantly blames shit on me, when sometimes it isn't even my fault. it's unfair!" i cried to armin, throwing my hand's in the air as i complained.

"can you shut the fuck up?! atleast your rib's dont feel like they're going to snap in half. look at my fucking nose!" jean butted in from the seat in front of us, turning around while he pointed out that his nose is bloody and slightly out of place.

"shut up, jean. you're just mad you can't fight." i scold him. he rolled his eyes and turned back around.

i felt myself beginning to drift to sleep on the bus ride back, until i heard something on the radio that caught my attention.

"hange, can you turn that up please?" i called out from where me and armin were seated on the bus.

"the radio?"

"yes, please."

hange brought their hand up to the volume button on the radio, turning it up a bit before latching their hand back on the steering wheel. everyone started to look at me in confusion, wondering why i wanted the volume higher.

"hange, you should play 'the climb' by miley cyrus!" eren drunkenly encouraged from a few seat's down.

"eren, shut up." mikasa demanded from the side of him. eren rolled his eyes, crossing his arm's while plopping back down into his seat.

as i finally got a better hear of what the woman on the radio was talking about, it was interrupted by sound's of shudder and white noise.

"ah, damn. power must be bad. sorry, y/n, it isn't working right now. you alright?" hange questioned from the driver's seat, slightly concerned.

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