shutter island

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me and armin sat next to eachother on the plane, and he was out within 5 minutes. armin layed his head on my shoulder while i watched shutter island on my phone, connected to the airline WIFI. suddenly, i felt wetness graze my collarbone, alertly turning my head to the side, there he was, drooling all over my fucking arm, his saliva soaking my sweatshirt.

"nuh-uh... get up." i nugded his head with my shoulder blade, but he didn't budge. as always, armin sleeps like a bear in hybernation, once he's asleep, he wont wake up unless he wants to. sighing to myself, i push his head to face the other way, only for him to move his head back onto my shoulder.

i scoffed, rolling my eyes. i dont even care at this point, he wont move a muscle no matter what i do to him.

attempting to return back to watching my movie, i suddenly felt a light tap on my shoulder. looking back over my shoulder, hange, who is sitting next to levi and petra, held their hand open filled with chex mix, gesturing for me to take it. i smiled and thanked them, accepting the offer.

"uuuagghhhhh. where are weeeeeeee!" armin groaned from beside me, raising his arms to stretch, voice whiny and raspy as ever.

"do you always have to exaggerate your yawn whenever you wake up? its really unnecessary." i shot him a neutral glare, only to be shot with one back.

"are you watching shutter island? give me your other ear bud." he demanded.

after handing him the other ear piece, i wrapped my arms around his head, cradling him like a child while i set my head atop of his.

"here, you can use my other ear bud. im about to fall asleep anyways." as he nodded, he grabbed my ear bud and unpaused the movie. that was all i remember before i drifted into slumber, holding armin in my arms.

"y/n! get your ass up. the plane landed." armin tapped my forhead with his finger, trying to get me to wake up.

moaning to myself, i tiredly pulled my arms off of him and grabbed the charger that was sitting in my lap.

"do you have my phone still?" i questioned armin, only to recieve a snarky remark from him.

"no, i threw it out of the window." he giggled, only to be softly slapped, my hand connecting with his cheek. he whined, slapping me back. we began to slapbox, huffing and puffing at each other.

"don't start." levi interrupted our brawl, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. "and don't roll your eyes at me either, its disrespectful. hurry up, we have to clock into the hotel by 9:30. it's 7:30 right now, and we still have to wait for the rental bus to pick us up."

"im aware of the time, thanks." i sarcastically smiled at him, turning my back and following armin off the plane.

"damn brat. should've left her ass at the airport" he grumbled to hange.

"levi, baby, we both know you wouldn't want that." they smirked at levi. he murmured at them after walking toward the exit of the plane.

hange was right, but levi knew he would never admit that.

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