intimacy | part 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: hey yall.... it's been a while LOL. i missed you guys, and I missed writing. i'm finally back on track, soooo that being said TIH IS BACK. formatting is gonna be a little different, I hope that doesn't bother yall. everything else is same old same old. you guys will like this chapter, trust me ;)

btw, had to split this into two parts. will let you guys know before the next update!!

WARNING: Sexual content ahead.

My head fucking blows.

I woke up with a groan. A sudden pain pounded into the sides of my head and all down the back of my neck. It must be another one of my migraines.

My eyes are barely open as I over on the couch tiredly, reaching on the side table for my phone. 3:24 A.M. displays across my lockscreen. It's still pretty early.

I groan even more, setting my phone face down on the table before getting up, which I regret immediately. The pain that swam throughout my head intensified dramatically, forcing me to plop right back down on the couch.

This happens frequently, more or less intense at certain times. I get chronic migraines, and some are less painful than others, but right now, the pain is at its max.

I could cry.

"Levi...." I sighed, resting my hands atop of my head in attempt to decrease the discomfort. Levi is deep asleep on the bed, tiny snores and groans leaving his mouth every now and then. I would be endeared if I didn't feel like I just got shot in my forehead.

"Levi..." I call again from across the room. I feel terrible for having to wake him up, but this pain is so unbearable I don't even know what to do with myself.

Sighing, I stand up and hazily make my way over to Levis side of the bed when I get no response, lightly tapping his bare shoulder. "Levi" I whisper yell.

"Hm?" eyes still closed with a tired scrunch on his face, he flinches a bit as he wakes up. I inwardly giggle at the action.

"Sorry for waking you.... um, do you have Tylenol or something?" I fiddled with the hem of my shorts awkwardly, silently tapping my foot to distract myself from the ringing inside of my head.

Levi's eyes open as he sits up, rubbing his baggy eyes before he takes a peak at me, his lids still low, revealing his tiredness. "You okay?" He pulls the duvet off of him before standing up and making his way towards me.

I nod. "Yeah, just a bad headache."

"Come lay down." His voice was light and sleepy, warm even as he slid his hand over my wrist and he urged me toward the bed. I obliged, laying down and pulling the covers over me.

Levi went over to his bag, rummaging through it in a quickly before pulling out a bottle of Ibuprofen. "Closest thing to Tylenol." The pills in the bottle rattle as he throws the tube on the bed and closes up his bag. "I'm gonna go get you some water from the lobby."

Before he leaves, he watches me with a scowl as I grab two pills and pop them into my mouth, an ugh sound leaving his mouth when he sees I swallowed them, dry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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