it's none of your business.

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i woke up with a groan, feeling drool that displayed across my cheek. wiping it off with my hand, i attempted to shift to make myself more comfortable, but i couldn't move.

why can i not move?...

then i remembered...


both of his arm's were around my waist in a tightly manner, restricting me from moving at all. i widened my eyes once i realized his hand placement, which was under my tanktop and only inches from my cleavage. the skin on skin contact made me smirk, but it was soon to fade once i felt that my bladder was literally about to explode. i grabbed one of his hand's and tried to pry him off of me, but he wouldn't budge— tightening his grip on my mid-section.

i have to pee. this isn't gonna work right now.

i dug my nails into his hand, earning a surprised gasp from him. "...what" he groaned and swatted my hand away.

"let go of me, shaft. i have to pee."

"shaft?" he lifted his head, a stupid, confused expression plastered across his beautiful face.

"shaft." he rolled his eye's and rolled over, finally giving me the will to move.

i stretched my arm's out before i got up and made my way toward's the bathroom. on the way, i saw my phone sitting on the couch and grabbed it to check the time, '11:34 A.M'

usually i would get a call from armin at this time, since he's more of a morning person— but he hadn't called or texted me at all.

he's probably just sleeping in.

i threw my phone on the couch and finally made my way into the bathroom, gasping in horror once i revealed myself in the mirror. i looked like shrek after he just had the best nut of his life.

my eye's were puffy, lip's swollen. my hair was unruly at most, and mascara residue from 3 days ago was smeared all over my eyelid's. i looked terrible to say the least.

i need to get in the shower.

going over to the toilet, i did my business before trotting over to the sink and washing my hand's. i fixed my hair up and attempted to wipe all of the mascara off of my face, yet only some of it came off. this'll do i guess.

walking back into the hotel room, i saw that levi went back to sleep, which was honestly a good idea. there's not really a reason for me to be up today since our schedule's fucked because of this pandemic that's going on. i should probably go back to sleep, but at the same time, im not even tired.

i need to talk to levi. i need to know what's going on between us, and if theres anything going on between him and petra. i doubt it, but i still need to make sure.

there's no way that we dont have some sort of thing going on. it's pretty obvious, but it's confusing. i don't know exactly what this is.

i plopped myself back down onto the bed and snuggled under the cover's, sighing to myself. i gave levi a tiny tap on his shoulder from beside me, just to see if he's still awake or not.

trapped in honolulu | a. leviWhere stories live. Discover now