kisses, cuddles and beauty

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Johnny woke up to a beautiful sight. He smiled and started kissing his face softly. "Wake up baby cakes~" Jaehyun whined a little "Just a few more minutes..." Dozing back to sleep. "We can't babe, we got school".

"Can we just skip?" The smaller male asked with puppy eyes. Johnny thought about. Maybe skipping a day wouldn't be so bad. "Alright we can skip"

Jae had a big smile on his face "thankies thankies thankies~~~~" The pink haired hugging him and giving him multiple kisses on the cheek.

The latter chuckles at how cute he was. He held shorters waist "hungry?". Jaehyun nodded. Johnny getting up and walking to the kitchen.

That's when Jaehyun got a phone call. It was Taeyong.

The phone call...

"Where the hell are you?"

"I'm at home-"

"Why? Your supposed to he at school."

"Well I didn't want to go today"


"Cuz I didn't want too- why are you asking so many questions?"

"Whatever Jaehyun."

Taeyong hung up. Jaehyun rolled his eyes. He smelled something good coming from downstairs. He knew Johnny was whipping up something delicious.

He zoomed downstairs to see him making pancakes strawberry pancakes. His favorite.

Jaehyun's POV

I walked behind him, peaking at my pancakes. They smelled SOOO good.
"They smell good John~" I seen him smile at me. 

"Their almost done peach" I blushed at the nickname. I nodded and walked to table. Taking a seat.

While waiting I decided to text my friends.

Jaehyun: wassup guys

Taeil: Jae!!!!! Where the hell are you?!

Jaehyun: lmao I stayed home for today

Doyoung: so u ditched us?🙄

Jaehyun: are u maddd?

Doyoung: sorta- we were supposed to hang out after school😩

Taeil: quit whininggg he is coming tmr- right?

Jaehyun: yeah I am

Doyoung: Wait a minute- I didn't see Johnny in my 2nd period today...

Taeil: is he with you?

Jaehyun: uhm..yeah


Taeil: You guys are so cute together

Jaehyun: oml stoooooop

Taeil: whyyyyy you both are so adorable

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