Road trip pt.1

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The 3 of them were eating in silence. Taeyong looked up after slurping up a noodle. "So I booked a flight already. I guess we are going to Chicago." Jaehyun looked at Taeyong.

"Chicago? That sounds like fun" Jaehyun said with cheeks full of food. Yuta nodded. "We can also bring very few people, Yuta..would you like to come?"

Yuta's eyes widen. "R-really? Sure! Can I also bring mark?" Taeyong smiled and nodded. Jaehyun thought hard and long about who he wants to bring.

He thought to himself that bringing these two people was dumb but did it anyways. He got up "excuse me" he got up and ran upstairs. He pulled out his phone, opening the message app. He created a group chat with Him, Johnny and Doyoung.

He sighed before texting in the chat.


Jae if been trying to text u all day

I know me too

I don't have time for explanations,
I just came here to tell you I'm going
To Chicago. And I wanted to bring you two.

Why us? We did you dirty...

I know..I still want you guys
To come

Well if makes you feel any better...then we'll come. Missing a couple of days of school isn't so bad

When are you planning on going?


Oh wow

Well pack our bags

Ok, I'll see you then

Jaehyun shut off his phone. He couldn't believe what he just did. Invite to two people that betrayed him to fly across the world with him. He shook the thought out of his head and headed back downstairs. He didn't see his brother at the table, just Yuta.

"Where is Taeyong?" Jaehyun said to Yuta. "He went to speak to Ten again" Jaehyun's eyes widen "r-really?"

"Yeah but I'm sure everything will be fine" The pink haired boy gulped but nodded. "You can chill on the couch if you want" Yuta added. Jae smiled "thank you" He sat on the couch and pulled out his phone.


They were all loading the car with their belongings. Lucky when they went back to the house, he wasn't there so they were able to grab their stuff. Jae sat in the back seat playing with his fingers till he saw Taeyong sit next to him.

"Hey bud" Taeyong said while wrapping his arm around the smallest shoulder. "Hey Yong" The pink haired said when a little sadness his voice. It was enough sadness for Taeyong to notice.

"What's wrong?" Taeyong asked with worry in his voice. "Nothing" Jae forced a smile for him to stop worrying "a fake smile isn't gonna make me go away Jae, now say what's wrong"

Jaehyun sighed "fine. I invited Johnny and Doyoung" Taehyung gasp "aren't those to two that-" Jae quickly put a hand over his other brothers blabber mouth. "Yes. But I'm giving them a second Chance. If they mess that up. It's over."

Taeyong removed the boys hand off his mouth "are you sure about this?" He looked at him. "Yes I'm sure." Jaehyun laid his head on the olders shoulder. "I'm sleepy" Taeyong smiled at the younger. He played with Jaehyun's soft pink hair.

He saw two boys walking up to the car. "Jae, their here" The boy immediately sat up and saw them. He got out the car and walked in front of them. "Hey" Jaehyun gulped. Johnny and Doyoung looked at each other. They both engulfed Jae in a big hug.

The pink haired boy smiled "I missed you both too." Johnny pulled away and stared into Jaehyun eyes. "I miss you so much Jaehyun and I'm sorry for what we did-" Jaehyun kissed him on the spot. Both Johnny and Doyoung was shocked.

He pulled away and kisses Doyoung. He felt all the stress lift from his shoulders. He pulled away and spoke these words

"I want to be with the both of you."

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