Trust issues

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Jaehyun slept in his shared room with Doyoung. He can't get any shut-eye because of what Johnny did. Did he even love him? Does he love Doyoung? Those questions kept him up all night.

Doyoung woke up and saw that Jaehyun was awake. "Jae, you gotta get some sleep. I know it's hurting you but not sleeping is making it worse" Doyoung said as he wrapped his arms around the smaller.

"I know but-" Jaehyun got cut off

"No buts, sleep." Doyoung said

Jaehyun nodded and closed his eyes and tired to get his mind off of and it was a success. Both of them falling soundly asleep.


Jaehyun woke up and saw Doyoung sleep. He smiled a little and got out of bed. He was about walk out as if nothing happened but then it hit him.

Johnny hurt you...again.

His trust issues were already really bad but they've gotten worse after this situation. He took a deep breath and walked out the bedroom. He prayed he didn't see Johnny but god didn't hear his pleading.

Johnny was walking down the hallway and saw Jae...

But ignored him.

Now Jaehyun was twice as confused. Did Johnny hate him? Did he ignore him because he knew he was hurt? All types of questions were running through Jaehyun's head like a marathon. He ignored them and continue to walk downstairs.

He saw Yuta and Taeyong and joined them "Hi guys" he said with a small voice. Taeyong's eyes softened "hey Jae, how you feelin?" Taeyong said while rubbing his back, making Jaehyun feel at ease. "I'm feeling ok" Yuta frowned, he was so used to seeing jae giddy and excited all the time. He just wanted to jump Johnny at this point for hurting Jae.

"We we're gonna go out for breakfast, just me and taeyong, but you and Doyoung can definitely come" Yuta said with a smile. That made Jaehyun smile a little "ok, I'll go ask him" Jaehyun ran upstairs to his room. "DOYOUNG!" Jaehyun shouted, making Doyoungs eyes flutter open "what happened?" doyoung asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yuta and taeyong are going out for breakfast, they asked if we wanna come. You wanna go?" Jaehyun asked, hopping he'd say yes, he needs a little out time since yesterday. Doyoung nodded and go out of bed making his way to Jaehyun, giving him a little kiss "let's get ready" Jaehyun smiled and nodded.

The two got ready, laughing together every now and then. Johnny was walking past their room and heard them. The guilt was eating him up. He just wanted to fall to his knee's and beg for forgiveness. He knew it won't be easy for them to forgive him but he's willing to wait.

Jaehyun and Doyoung walked out the room together and downstairs to meet up with Yuta and Taeyong. Once they all got together they left. With Taeyong driving, everyone was having a good time. They ate, went to wonder around Chicago. Bought clothes, doing more then they intended to do but it was all fun.

They got in the car after visiting the 5th clothing store. Jaehyun came back with some cute platform converse. They laughed and went back home.

As all of them walked into the house, Jaehyun expected to see Johnny. But no Johnny. He brushed it off and walked upstairs to put his shoes away. Still no Johnny.

Jaehyun asked Mark where he went.


Jaehyun ran out the house and straight to the airport. The airport wasn't too far from them. He wasn't ready to let Johnny go.

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