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After their lunch ended they all went to their last class


School ended and everyone finally got to go home. Jaehyun walked home with his brother. Usually he rides with Doyoung but He had to leave early. It was a quiet walk between the two. "S-so how was your day?" Jaehyun asked with his head down. "It was fine, I guess." Taeyong said. Jaehyun nodded and continued to keep quiet. They don't really have a strong relationship, even though they have been brothers for years. They both made it home, Jaehyun walked upstairs to his room. He flopped on the bed and groaned. "He is so cute." He referred to Johnny. His eyes widen as he remembered Johnny and him exchange numbers. He pulled out his phone and texted him.

Hey its Jaehyun from school

Oh, hey Jaehyun wassup

You changed username to:
Tall Johnny🌴

Nothing just wanted to know if your free tomorrow...are you?

Tall Johnny🌴
Definitely. I can drive their and we could go to the movies, sounds good?

Sounds great, I'll see you then~ baii

Tall Johnny🌴
Alr baii✌

You changed username to:

Jaehyun got excited and couldn't stop smiling. He put his phone down and got up, walking downstairs to the kitchen. Once he walked in the living room he saw Taeyong and Ten making out on their couch. "Get a room." He made an annoyed face and walked to the refrigerator. Taeyong chuckled and sat Ten down. He walked over to Jaehyun "Whats up with you?" Taeyong asked. "Nothing, im fine." Jaehyun said, giving him a 'When did you all of the sudden care about me' look. He didn't see the anything so he went back upstairs. Taeyong sighed and went back to Ten. Jaehyun changed into a light pink sweater with black ripped jeans. He grabbed his phone and and walked downstairs. He was just about to exit the front door till Taeyong stopped him. "Where are you going?" Taeyong asked. Jaehyun rolled his eyes "To Jungwoo's house" Jaehyun answered. "No" Taeyong without hesitation. "What- Why?" Jaehyun got kinda annoyed by him. "Because its 7 and you need to be in the house." Taeyong sounded like a dad. Jaehyun lifted a eyebrow "Im going." Jaehyun also said without hesitation. "I said no Jae" Taeyong stood up. "What are you gonna do?" Jaehyun said. Taeyong went silent. "Exactly what I thought." With that Jaehyun walked out the house. Jungwoo's house wasn't far. He made it after a solid 3 minutes. He knocked at the door opened to a puffy faced boy with red eyes from crying. "J-Jungwoo? What happened?" Jaehyun was confused. "H-h-he lied" Jungwoo stuttered out.

Wowwwwwwwww is it getting better? I hope you like it~~~~~~~ I'll be surprising u with more chapters but for now I'll see you later baiii❤❤❤💚💚✨✨

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