ch 3; the secret

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About two weeks later; Pepper Potts shows up and is literally forcing Tony out from the house.
She has been taking care of his company these past months.
But thinks it's time for him to come back.
At least during the meeting with some important clients, they are about to have today.

Since Tony is out from the house, Peter is taking his chance to snooping around.
He is pretty sure Tony keeps some secrets away from him.
Like in the weird room who always are locked.

Picking the lock up isn't any problem.
It's only taking one minute or at the most; two minutes.
Peter grins when he hears the lock clicking.
"Bingo..." he mumbles and pulls down the door handle.
The door swings opened and he enters the room.
He raises his eyebrow asking when the room is looking like a normal working place.
The brown desk with a chair by it.
Some plants who seem dry as they haven't got the amount of water they need.
Then some shelves, and canvases.
There aren't any special who seem as a secret needed to be locked away.
Out of reach from Peter or anyone else.
Peter shakes his head and starts searching after something.
Something he doesn't know yet what, that could be. But will know the second he finds it.
He starts searching the desk and does his best to memories how every slightly thing were placed before.
Even though it seems exaggerated, he doesn't want to take the risk that; his father knows exactly were the smallest things were placed when he left the room.
Who knows what his father will do if he finds out Peter broke the rule of entering the room?!

Peter grunts frustrated when he isn't finding anything spectacular.
He thought he would at least finding his Spider-Man suit.
Or some of his papa's stuff, Tony couldn't throw away.
Peter have'd searched everywhere aside from the canvases.
He sighs and walks against a painting with flowers.
His hands reaches against the canvas and takes it down from the red wall.
Then he turns the canvas around.
He gasps shocked when he finds a letter glued to the back of the canvas.
Peter's starts shaking when he understands it's a death certificate.
Perhaps his papa isn't running away with a friend at all... What if... What if the truth is; Steve is dead!
And that's why; Steve hasn't answered his calls and that's why, Tony has been acting weirdly.
Peter starts breathing faster and tries reading the letter.
But his view is getting blurry of tears.
The fear is taking a grip of him.
Perhaps he isn't ready yet? Maybe he should let Tony telling him this.
Even though it's a betrayal from his side of not telling his son that; his papa is dead.
Peter blinks hardly to get ride of some of the tears.
Then he narrows his eyes to focus on the words at the death certificate.
He inhales sharply and wides his eyes when his own name pops up on the letter.

Peter Stark, sixteen years old, dead at 23 April...

Peter flinches and looks away from the letter as the words would get a chance to changes if he looks away.
His heart pounds loudly.
It can't be true.
There is no chance that, he is dead.
He means. How could Peter Stark be dead when he stands in Tony's room he wasn't allowed to enter?
Peter glances at the letter.
The same words are still written on the paper.
Peter stark is dead.
The son of Tony and Steve is dead.
Then...who is the one who is reading the death certificate?
Who is he?

Tony seems pretty happy during the dinner for once.
It seems the meeting at his company did him some good.
Tony is babbling about some things who happened at work and how Pepper was scolding him for being  nuisance.
Peter isn't answering him.
Instead he is looking asking at him.
Asking himself, if Tony isn't his dad, then; who is he?
Peter clears his throat and interrupts Tony in the middle of something.
Tony gets silent and looks asking at him.
"Ehm... Do you have some photos of me, while I were growing up? Like baby photos and pictures while I were growing up?" He asks since he wants to know how the real Peter Parker is looking like.
Perhaps Tony kidnapped him and tricked him that; he is Peter Stark?! The dead son.
Tony is looking surprised at him.
"Y-yeah... I have... Why are you asking?" Tony asks and seems a bit nervous.
Peter shrugs and hates the reaction Tony has.
Is he really kidnapped?
" Nothing special... I'm just curious... I think I have never seen any pictures of me from I were young or at all..." he explains.
"Oh..." Tony looks down on the plate with half eaten lasagna.
Peter raises an eyebrow and is waiting for an answer who isn't coming.

Peter looks asking on the phone with the selfie mode on.
He is examining himself.
Touching his brown hair curiously.
He thinks he looks like a person who could be Tony's son.
Perhaps he isn't kidnapped.
He is maybe some kind of bastard from a secret affair.
And now he is a nutcase who thinks he is the dead son of Steve's and Tony's love.
Peter starts feeling nauseous when Tony suddenly knocks on the door and walks in with an album.
Tony clears his throat.
"Hey... I... I'm just going to drop the album here since you wanted to see some pictures...ehm...Be careful with them, okay?" Tony begs blushing and places the album down onto the bed before he walks out.
Peter nods.
"Thanks..." he says and looks curiously at the brown album with soft fabric as cover.
He opens the album the second Tony has left the room.
Peter's eyes are looking from picture to picture.
There are picture of him, or the real Peter, as a baby, toddler and as a preteen with braces.
Peter shakes his head, smiling exhaling.
It was around that time when, Flash Thompson started to bullying him.
Peter remembers how much he hated the braces because of that.
He even tried to takes off the braces with some kitchen tools at home.
But he didn't managed to take them off before Steve found him and stopped him.
Peter sighs and turns some pages in the album until he found some pictures of him around fifteen years old.
He takes out one of the pictures.
Then tries looking at the picture at the same time while he is looking at himself through the cellphone's selfie camera.
He raises his eyebrow curiously.
It seems he is looking like an exact copy of the person on the picture.
Peter jumps of his own thoughts.
He starts cold sweating while the nauseous keeps reminding him that, he will probably throw up any time soon.
What if... What if Tony actually got desperate of his son's death and made a clone?!
Peter wides his eyes.
Is he a clone?

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