Peter yawns and is adjusting the backpack while he is walking on the streets.
It's pretty early that day and just a few people have woke up to getting to their work.
The decision of leaving the house there Tony lives, feels as a right decision.
But perhaps he should have been thinking out some kind of plan before he left?
Like where he should live and get money.For the first time in his life, which he only have been living like five weeks, he feels free.
Peter smiles exhausted and looks up to the rooftops of the high buildings.
He has never experienced the life as spider-man. Only through the real Peter's memories.
And he miss the feeling his memories tells him how it felt.
Peter walks into an alley and decides to find out if he can at least climbing as spider-man could.
Since the alley looks pretty nasty he decides to climb the ladder first and then climbing on the building.
Peter jumps up against the ladder and grabs the first rung.
His feet are dangling about ten-twenty centrimeters above the ground.
Peter is pushing himself up and starts climbing the ladder until his feet stands on the first rung.
He doesn't know where he got the stupid idea, but he glances down to the ground.
Peter wides his eyes terrified and inhales sharply.
The ground starts spinning around or perhaps it's his mind who is spinning around of fear.
"Nhh..." he clings onto the ladder and closes his eyes while he starts breathing heavily.
He doesn't dare to open his eyes and starts shaking.
From no reason it seems he is afraid of heights.Peter doesn't know how long he is clinging onto the ladder when someone suddenly approached him from the ground.
"What are you doing up there?" The man with brown hair asks and places his hands on his hips.
Peter tries opening his eyes and looking down at the man whose head is in the same height as Peter's feet are right now.
But Peter is only managing to open his eyes a slightly before he inhales sharply and closes his eyes hardly.
"Help me... I can't get down..." Peter squeaks.
The muscular man snorts grinning.
"Alright then... But don't freak out, okay?"
Peter nods.
"Promise..." he says and leans his chin onto the rung.
Peter hears weird noises and then he feels how someone with big arm grabs him.
"Let's go off the ladder... We have you now..." the person behind Peter hisses.
Peter recognizes the voice and how the person talks.
The name; Venom, pops up into his mind.
He forces himself to glancing backward and exhales surprised of seeing the black-white beast known as Venom.
One of Spider-Man's biggest enemy he was struggling with.
"Let's go or we will leave you here..." Venom warns him smirking.
Peter swallows nervously and looks at the ladder.
Then he decides to let Venom helping him down.
His hands shakes when he manages to let's go off the ladder he was clinging onto for his dear life.
Shortly after that, he feels how Venom jump down in hurry with Peter in his arm.
Peter inhales sharply and screams shocked.
A few seconds later he stands steady on the ground with pale look written on his face.
Venom chuckles proud of himself.
"You better say thanks since-..." venom start saying which made Peter to turn around and look asking at him.
Venom get silent when he sees Peter's face as they just saw a ghost.
" Something wrong?" Peter asks and starts getting nervous of Venom's sudden change of mood.
"Petey..." Venom growls angrily.
Peter tilts his head.
"Ehm...Let me clear a misunderstanding here..." he begs with one finger up.
Venom snort.
"We thought you were dead...Do you really think a new look would trick us?!" Venom asks and crosses their arms.
Peter shakes his head.
"I'm not the same Peter you think I am..."
Venom grab Peter's t-shirt colored in pastel colors as blue, white and pink.
"We aren't stupid... We only know one piece of shit who looks like you... And it's Peter Stark..."
"Y-yeah... I'm perhaps looking like Peter...But I'm not him...I'm no one..."
"No one?..." venom ask curiously and let his tongue examining Peter's face.
Peter shivers of the touch.
"Peter Stark is dead..."
Venom grit their teeth and cover Peter's mouth.
"You are lying..." they hiss.
Peter shakes his head and tries saying something who gets muffled since Venom's hand is covering his mouth.
" I'm just a clone... Tony got desperate when his son died, and made me... But I'm a mistake... I'm nothing... And I'm not THE Peter..." Peter says the moment Venom took away their hand of Peter's mouth.
Venom start laughing and takes their hand of Peter's t-shirt too.
Then they transform back into Eddie Brock.
"Wow... You are definitely taking the prize of shitty life if you are telling the truth..." he laughs and turns around to walk away from Peter.
Peter gasps and grabs Eddie's arm and clings onto him.
Eddie raises an eyebrow and looks asking at the smaller boy to his right side.
Peter swallows.
"Thanks for the help with taking me down...I-...I need roof over my head and food... Please...Let me in today..." he begs and isn't giving a shit to something who calls; pride.
Eddie looks shocked at him.
Then he clicks his tongue and tries shaking Peter off from his arm.
"And why would I do that?"
Peter tries figure out a good reason to stay at Eddie's place.
What Eddie will get out of the situation.
"I-..." Peter gulps and starts blushing.
"You can have sex with me as payment..." he adds while his heart pounds faster.
Eddie jolts of Peter's suggestion.
Then he starts examining Peter from bottom to top.
From Peter's white sneakers, across his black ripped jeans and pastel colored t-shirt, up to his bright blue hair.
"Do-... Do you really think I want to fuck a kid like you?..." Eddie asks snorting with a small blush on his cheeks.
Peter shrugs.
"Well why not... You can pretend I'm the Peter Stark you hates... You can pretend you are giving him the punishment he deserves..."
Eddie looks into Peter's pleading eyes.
The man's dick is standing up of the thought of banging the cute boy.
"Alright then..." Eddie sighs and grabs Peter's hand.
" We have a deal...I will let you stay at least one night..." he adds while he pulls Peter away against his apartment by holding hands.
Peter smiles while he stumbles forward.
Eddie snorts.
"But then I will throw you out the second I'm tired of you..."
Peter nods.

New me
Fanfic(Finished) Peter Stark had everything you could wish for. Great parents who loved and cared about him. Until one day when he hadn't. One day stopped Captain America be a part of Peter's and Tony's life. Which seems affect Tony completely since he s...