Peter looks sadly at Eddie when he stands in the hallway with his backpack on.
He doesn't want to leave and it seems as Eddie has a second thought about letting Peter to go.
The blue haired boy inhales deeply and puts on a gently smile.
"Thanks for everything..." Peter says and feels how tears start threatening to fall.
He turns around to open the door.
"Good bye Eddie..." he adds mumbling while he opens the door and starts walking.
Eddie jolts when he sees Peter walking half through the opened door.
"Wait..." he shouts and grabs Peter's wrist.
Peter's heart pounds faster and he starts looking hopefully at Eddie.
Eddie furrows his eyebrows and takes his hand off Peter and clears his throat nervously.
"Ehm... Take care, okay?" Eddie says instead that he wanted and starts rubbing his backhead.
Peter exhales and feels how his shoulders lowered of disappointment.
"Oh...I will...Thanks " he chuckles bothered.
He tries keeping the tears to himself and not letting them to fall in front Eddie. But he won't be able to push them away anymore soon.
Eddie swallows.
"You ehm... You are welcome back when you want...Okay? ... Just give me the weekend..." he begs and thinks at least two days will give him the chance to figure out his true feelings. And if Peter doesn't come back, then it's his lost and not Peter's.
Peter nods.
"Okay..." the young man answers before he turns around and leaves the apartment.Peter walks around in the city, feeling pretty down of getting thrown out from Eddie's place.
Will Eddie really have a woman over?
Peter gulps.
He doesn't want to believe Eddie will see someone else.
But perhaps Peter is the idiot.
Why would Eddie want him in first place?
Peter was just a meat bag Eddie could use for fun and fuck when he wanted to.
Thinking there were more than that, is just stupid.
And Peter isn't stupid.
But... He got the feeling Eddie felt more than he wanted to let Peter know.Peter notices how a door opens straight ahead to the right, on the same pavement he is walking.
He inhales sharply and wides his eyes when Tony with sunglasses walks out from the building.
Panic. Fear. Homesickness.
Many different kind of emotions bubbles up inside him when he sees Tony after weeks.
Even if he knows his life with Tony has been short and bad; are the real Peter's memories making him to long after Tony.
But he is afraid of encountering Tony face to face.
Afraid Tony will scold him for running away from home.
But most of all, he is afraid of getting the cold shoulder from Tony.
Seeing he isn't welcome in Tony's life anymore.Peter waves his arms nervously while he looks around in panic.
The dark haired man starts walking to his direction.
Peter notices in the corners of his eyes how Tony jolts gasping and takes his sunglasses off when he seems noticing Peter.
The boy decides to turn right and run for his life.
"PEEeeeeteeeer......" Tony shouts.
Peter isn't sure. But he thinks he hears someone shouting after him from behind.
Trying to catch up with him by running after him.
The boy is pushing himself through the crowd of people, trying to wide the distance between him and Tony.
Some streets later isn't there as many people as the other streets.
Peter pants while he runs without a destination in his mind.
The voice behind him had stopped shouting after awhile.
But the blue haired boy isn't stopping to run until he is almost out of breath.Peter rests his hands on his thighs while he leans forward and pants heavily.
When he has got back his breath pretty well, he starts looking asking around.
The wide ocean is played in front him.
The seagulls squeaks loudly in the air while they are flying around a white rusty boat.
Peter stands upright and starts walking on the dock.
A long green tail grabs him around his waist the second he is passing an alley between two old wooden house.
"AHhh..." Peter exhales surprised and feels how his feet leaves the ground.
"What do we have here" the green scorpion chuckles and starts examining Peter's face closer.
"Eh? Scorpion?...Why are you here?" He gasps.
Scorpion smirks.
"Aren't you Peter Stark?"
Peter tilts his head.
"Why do you want to know that?"
The tall muscular man grins wider.
"Answer my question or I'm going to put your head first down in the ocean and see if I can get you to answer..."
Peter gulps.
"I'm Peter...But... Not the one you think..." he answers.
Bright yellow eyes are eyeing his face curiously.
"You're not?"
Peter shakes his head.
"No I'm not!... If I were...You would been in a big trouble now..." Peter tells him and are thinking about Peter Stark's parents; Iron man and Captain America. How they would beat Scorpion and kick his butt.
Making him to regret to kidnap their son. Or just putting a finger on him.
Scorpion sighs.
"Yeah... You have probably right...Beside... You don't look completely like the picture I've seen..." he exhales disappointed.
Peter glances by mistake to the side and is looking down on the ground.
The boy stiffen and narrow his eyes terrified of being higher up.
The ground starts moving in his eyes.
"Hm?" Scorpion hums asking and is looking at the boy, noticing something is off.
Peter starts trembling of fear.
It feels as small spiders are crawling over his body.
"Put me down..." he mumbles silently and shut his eyes closed.
"What?" Scorpion asks.
"PUT ME DOWN..." Peter shouts.
Scorpion jolts.
"Okay okay..." he mutters.
"NOW..." Peter begs with his heart pounding loudly and faster.
"Give me some time..." the man mutters and puts Peter down.
When Peter's feet are onto the ground, Scorpion takes his tail off from Peter.
"So... You are down..." he tells Peter and crosses his arms.
Peter peeks with his eyes and looks slowly down onto the ground to make sure he is back on solid ground.
The boy exhales relieved and smiles gently at Scorpion.
Scorpion rolls his eyes and turns around to leave.
"Who cares..."
The muscular and tall man gets an annoying feeling that, he has seen Peter somewhere.
He gets the urge to smash Peter as a little spider.
But he doesn't know why he gets those feelings.
As he knows; he hasn't seen Peter before. And if Peter tells him the truth that he isn't THE Peter Stark, then... Then there is no way, Scorpion has seen him at all.
"Wait..." Peter says behind him.
Scorpion stops his track and looks asking over his shoulder while he turns around to look at Peter.Some would perhaps calling he is doing some weird revolt or something.
Doing the opposite as his parents have'd told him.
Peter gets the weird idea of joining Scorpion for awhile.
He thinks it would be easier to get a villain to agree with letting an underage boy to stay the night.
Believing a normal person would probably call the police the second he asks to stay the night and pay them through sex.
Peter gulps.
"Let me stay at your place for at least one night..." he begs.
Scorpion gasps and looks confused at Peter.
Peter shrugs.
"I have nowhere to stay over the night..."
Scorpion is eyeing him as he thinks Peter is crazy.
"No..." he snorts.
Peter jolts.
"Why not?"
"Why should I help you without getting something out of it? Or do you have a lot money to pay?" Scorpion snorts.
Peter looks shyly down on the ground by Scorpion's feet.
"I-..." Peter starts saying and inhales deeply.
"I can pay through sex if you give me somewhere to sleep and something to eat..." he blushes and forces himself to look up at Scorpion.
"...Are you out of your mind?..." Scorpion snorts and turns around and starts walking.
Peter exhales sighing.
Then Scorpion stops walking.
"Follow me..." he tells Peter without looking back at him.
Peter flinches surprised and gasps.
"...Now before I change my mind..." Scorpion adds and starts walking again.
The boy inhales sharply and starts moving forward.
He giggles happily when he catches up with Scorpion.
"Thanks..." Peter says smiling and starts eyeing Scorpion curiously from his right side.
Will they be able to have sex since Scorpion is mutated? Or will he be too big for Peter to handle?
The picture of Eddie pops up in his mind and makes Peter to whine silently.
He pushes the picture away.
If having sex with someone are necessary to get roof over his head for the night, then... Then he must doing it.
He can't let Eddie control him by giving him bad conscience.
Yeah, he could tried begging forgiveness from Tony.
And avoid having sex with someone else until he knows what Eddie and he are to each other.
But no... It's too humiliating.
Beside, what if Tony decides he is too broken and has to take apart?
Only the thought of that makes him trembling of fear for his life.
So, Peter rather let's other use his body as payment than taking the risk with going back to Tony...

New me
Fanfiction(Finished) Peter Stark had everything you could wish for. Great parents who loved and cared about him. Until one day when he hadn't. One day stopped Captain America be a part of Peter's and Tony's life. Which seems affect Tony completely since he s...