Alternative ending; Eddie/Venom

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Peter's heart pounds nervously when he one day stood outside Eddie's apartment.
It was about a week after he got reunited with Steve and Tony.
The reunion got way better than he ever could imagining.
He never thought they would embrace him as their son.
Which they did to his surprise.

Peter gulps hardly and raises his fist trembling against the door.
What if Eddie doesn't want to see him again?
And what if the same girl Eddie said he would spend the weekend with, is the one to open the door?!
Peter would die of embarrassment if she opened the door.
And his whole world would shatter below his feet if Eddie stares blankly at him. Staring at him as he was some kind of a stranger. A mistake he never wanted to get reminded of.
Peter starts hesitantly taking the hand away from the door.
Then he swallows hardly and furrows his eyebrows and knocks on the door.
For a moment it was deadly silent.
But then he hears footsteps on the other side of the door.

The door creaks opened.
"You were faster than yo-..." Eddie smiles with a few bucks in the hand.
The muscular man blinks surprised of seeing Peter instead of the pizza delivery.
Peter blushes and clears his throat while he lowered the gaze.
"I ehm... Hi?" He squirms.
"Thanks God!" Eddie exhales relieved and embraced Peter with his strong arms.
Peter exhales surprised and looks asking at him with his nose tip on the side of Eddie's throat.
"Eh...Happy?" He smiles shyly with increased heartbeats.
Eddie exhales sighing.
"More than happy, Petey... I-...Or I mean, we... We never thought you would ever come back... I thought I've had done the worst mistake ever in my life..." the brunette says and embraced Peter tigher.
Peter raises his eyebrows. Then he furrows them.
"So... Nothing happened between you and that woman?"
Eddie froze for a short moment then he leans backward away from Peter and shakes his head.
"No... That woman never existed..."
Peter tilts his head.
Eddie sighs and runs the hand through his hair.
" I lied about that..." he answers honestly while guilt struck him.
Peter gasps.
"But...Why?" Peter asks and wides his eyes. Not sure if he should feel happy over the fact that, Eddie didn't spent a weekend with someone else. Or if he should feel tricked since Eddie lied.
Eddie shrugs.
"Everything went too fast between you and me...That... I got scared, okay?" Eddie snorts with crossed arms and doesn't like exposing himself as something weak.
Peter parts his lips and exhaled.
"...But-... What about now? How do you feel right now?"
Eddie's face starts softening and he gives Peter a small smile while he untangled his arms.
"Now...Now I'm sure... We want you as a part of our life" he answers and strokes his hand gently at Peter's cheek.
"We love you, Petey..." Eddie adds and makes Peter's heart to skip a beat.
The blue haired man wets his lips.
"We as; Venom too?"
Eddie chuckles.
"The symbiot and I love you... We as venom love you spider" Eddie explains and leans forward against Peter and is about to kiss him.
"Pizza for Mr Brock..." A young man with the pizza box in his hand and the note in the other says.
Eddie froze and exhales a little.
Then he leans snorting away from Peter and grabbed the pizza from the blond man.
"Yeah-...That's me..." he says a little grumpy and hands the money he was holding to the man.
"Here...Keep the change" he adds.
The man nods smiling.
"Thanks a lot, Mr Brock... Have a good  day " he bows with the head before he turns around and left.
Peter glances blushing at Eddie and clears his throat.
"Maybe-... I should come back later?"
Eddie raises an eyebrow.
"And why would you do that? You can get inside my apartment now and keep me company... I have enough pizza to share with you" he shrugs and starts walking into the apartment.
Peter inhales deeply.
"T-thanks..." he mumbles and starts following Eddie.

Peter fidgets nervously on the couch.
The pizza was eaten there Peter only ate like two slices while Eddie ate the rest.
"So-..." Peter says to break their silence.
Eddie hums asking and turns his body a slightly against Peter so their knees touched a little.
The younger man gulps.
"... Is Venom the name of the symbiot or the-..." he starts asking.
"No-... It's just our name we use when we are combined... A little like Tony Stark calls himself Iron man the moment he has the suit on... It's like I'm Tony while the Symbiot is the suit... When he has attached himself onto my body, we become Venom" Eddie explains shrugging before he grabbed his half drunken beer can and starts drinking from it.
"Oh-..." Peter exhales.
"I understand..." he says and starts squirming very nervously.
"So... It's not only you who ehm... Like me? It's Venom?"
Eddie smirks and puts the can away.
"Oh? Does that make you nervous, Petey?... Are you nervous you would be too tight for us?" Eddie asks and leans over Peter who wides his eyes gasping.
"Wait, what?" Peter swallows hardly and looks a slightly pale while he leans a little backward.
Eddie chuckles and grabbed his wrists shortly before black and white tentacles embraced his whole body and turned him into Venom.
"What's wrong spider? Do we scare you?" Venom snicker and start stroking their tongue across Peter's face from his chin up to his temple.
Peter shivers from the wet touch.
"No-...You don't..." he says and closed the eye nearest there Venom's tongue move along his face.
Venom grin and look amused at him.
"Good... We don't want to hurt our partner in any way... Our dear mate..." They purr.
Peter exhales a short laugh.
"Mate?" He asks curiously with his heart racing crazily and very excited.
He could already feel how his body starts reacting of having Ed-...ehm Venom there. It's like his body starts softening and at the same time, becoming heavy.
"Yeees~... You are now our mate... And we will never let go of you again..." Venom explain while Peter looks submissive at him. His eyes are begging after sex. They are staring lustfully at Venom and beg them to rip his clothes apart and mate with him.
"Then don't...Don't ever let's go of me again..." Peter exhales and presses his body instinctively up against Venom's.
Venom hum thoughtfully while their tongue tickles at Peter's face and throat. Moving gracefully around in same pattern as a snake would move in the grass.
Peter moans softly.
Venom flinch and inhales understanding when they understood what their mate was begging for.
The black and white monster smirk and take their hands of his wrists.
Then they start peeling his clothes gently off. Trying not to damage them.
Venom chuckle amused when they noticed the standing member.
Their hand moves determined to Peter's crotch there they grabbed his dick and start jerking him off.
The movements make Peter to jerk groaning.
"We want to hear more of those cute noises you makes~... They make us feel as you only belong us~" Venom purr while their hand moves up and down along Peter's length. Making the younger man to squirm arousal.
Peter's breath increased and he keeps making soft moaning sounds with a slightly furrowed eyebrows.
"V-venom... Enter me..." he begs and jerked.
Venom grin.
"Not yet, mate... We need you to cum first... We need some lube so we won't harm you..." they tell him while they are pumping Peter's dick.
Peter gives them an asking look whose eyes almost look melted of lust.
"Oh-kay-.. ahh~..." Peter groans and inhales sharply while his legs jerked against each others.
Venom chuckle and part his legs with their free hand.
"Maybe you need more attention to get a release..." they say thoughtfully before their tongue starts stroking at Peter's nipple.
Peter gasps jolting.
Venom grin and pressed their tongue around Peter's nipple and start pulling it a little.
The blue haired man closed his eyes moaning with shaky breathing who sounds as he is panting.
Peter's member starts pulsing as it's on its limits.
Venom purr and grabbed their own huge dick and placed their dick in front Peter's. So their tips are touching each others.
With a few hand movements along Peter's length; Peter reached his climax and semen shoots out all over Venom's dick and crotch.
"Perfect~... Now we are ready to mate you..." Venom say and take their hand and tongue of Peter who is panting heavily.
"You're what?" Peter asks panting with the arm on his forehead and starts open his eyes.
Venom smirk and grabbed Peter's legs and pulled him against them and made Peter to slide down to a laying position.
"Now-...Relax Spider..." They say with their dick in position between Peter's buttocks.
Peter wides his eyes terrified of their size.
"No, Venom wait!...I'm not r-..." he begs in panic before he swallowed on the words from getting penetrated.
Venom move their hips slowly forward and kind of force their dick into Peter's bottom.
Their claws scratched Peter a slightly when their hands grabbed his hips.

For each gently thrust makes Peter to jerk of pain.
Peter is already soaked in sweat. And Venom have only got like the tip of his member inside him. Will Peter even be able to handle the rest? Or is it impossible?
Peter gulps and closed his eyes hardly there he held his breath.
"Don't forget to breath..." Venom remind him.
Peter let's out some air of surprise and looks asking at them.
"R-right..."  Peter exhales shakily with a crooked smile.
Peter is looking fascinating at them. His chest swells of love for them. He could never imagining Venom would ever care about him. Showing any sign of concern for him.
But here they are, and Venom try their best to not harm Peter.
Peter doesn't know if the real Peter Stark ever had any feelings for Eddie or Venom. But he knows at least he has.
Which makes him love them even more. Venom is the proof; Peter is his own person. He isn't a clone who is replacing someone.
He is the new Peter who learned to love the man behind the monster.
Peter smiles.
But it also seems he loves the monster too... Now when he is looking at Venom, can't he see the monster the real Peter was afraid of.
He only see someone who loves him and who he loves.

Venom pull their dick out a little and then they thrust it back inside. A slightly deeper than earlier.
Peter groans surprised.
The monster chuckle and start over with the movements there they pull out a little and then thrust it back.
Which they repeated a few times until they started filling Peter with a lot cold semen who seems blowing Peter's stomach up like a ballon.
Suddenly it looked like Peter was halfway through a pregnancy.
Peter squirmed.
Venom exhales groaning while the last drops of sperm left their jerking dick.
When they pulled out, a flood of semen sipped out from Peter's backside. Making the young man to exhales shocked and a bit relieved.
Venom hum thoughtfully.
"You know you could get pregnant?"
Peter jolts half upright.
"What?!" He raises an eyebrow.
Venom shrug.
" Just asking..." they chuckle grinning.
Peter furrows his eyebrows a slightly confused.
"I'm not sure if you are messing with me... Or you are telling me the truth..."
Venom smirk.
"Oh? We love to mess with you spider...But-... That's the truth... You are the third gender... Just like your father, Tony Stark, you can get pregnant"
Peter's heart starts pounding faster of nervousness. Does that mean there is a possibility he already has got pregnant?! But then... Then there is a risk both Wade and Eddie could be the father.
That would be a nightmare... How would EddieVenom react if they found out Peter was pregnant with someone else's child?!
Peter gulps. Hopefully he isn't pregnant. Not yet at least...

Venom start shrinking and losing size there the tentacles of black and white started disappearing.
Eddie pulled Peter into an embrace.
"I love you, Petey... From now on I will always hold onto you tightly...I will never let's go of you, no matter what..." the brunette says before he starts kissing Peter.
Peter starts slowly relaxing and starts kissing him back.
Yeah, maybe everything will turn out great. There are no point in worry of something who hasn't happened yet. Or will perhaps never happen!
Right now there is a higher risk his father will hate the idea of Peter dating EddieVenom.
If he was against the other Peter dating Wade. Then why would he agree with this Peter dating EddieVenom?
"...I love you too..." Peter whispers the second they parted their lips from each others.
Right now couldn't he care more or less about tomorrow. The only matter right now is; today.
And today has he found the one he wants spend the rest of his days with.
Someone who doesn't see the old Peter in him.
If he is really lucky, then they will one day get married and live happily ever after. With or without children...

The end

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