Steve was about to pull down the handle at Tony's front door.
"Papa..." Peter interrupts him.
Steve takes the hand of the handle and turns around a slightly.
Peter gulps.
"Why did you choose to stop being a part of our life this time?" He asks curiously while his heart starts pounding nervously from the coming answer.
Steve sighs.
"Please...Don't take me wrong..." he starts saying and turns completely around against Peter.
" The news of my son's death was extremely painful... I have never lived with such of sorrow... It was even more worse than that time I thought I had lost bucky, my best friend..." Steve clears his throat and starts fidgeting.
Peter nods understanding. Or at least he thinks he could understand even though he hasn't been in same situation as him.
Steve inhales deeply.
"So... One day Tony told me he had an idea to bring our son back...By cloning him with the memories from his past life... Maybe Tony thought he would do me a favor...But I got furious! I yelled at him and begged him to leave our son alone... Our son is dead and nothing could ever bring him back... Whiiiich... Tony didn't listened at... And when I found out he had cloned Peter...I literally packed a bag and dashed out from the house ... " Steve adds and furrows his eyebrows embarrassed of his actions.
"I-..." Steve says and looks down.
"I never knew you would actually be him... And despite I heard each voice mail you sent me... I couldn't get myself to get back to you... Those voice mail sounded as they came from my son...Which gave me very bad conscience... Once again, I was the father who left his son... I couldn't live with myself and started drinking a lot alcohol to drown my conscience... But one day... " he adds and looks up at Peter's face whose eyebrows are furrowed sadly over the information.
"One day I got your voice mail there you told me you would run away from home... So, now could I get back to Tony... That voice mail made my heart aches painfully and I did my very best to find you... And apologize for my mistake of leaving you..."
Peter flinches.
"Wait?... Have you been searching for me?" He gasps.
Steve nods smiling.
"Every single day... A few hours in the morning....Then some in the middle of the day and a few hours before I fell asleep..."
Peter exhales surprised.
"Wow... I never knew... Sorry for giving you a hard time with finding me..."
Steve shakes his head and embraces Peter.
"Don't worry... I would do everything for you... Even Tony has been looking for you...He even wanted to put up a missing person news at the TV and promise the person who could find you and bring you to him, would get a lot money... But I stopped him... I was afraid bad guys would harm you if they knew you were lost..."
Peter raises his eyebrows and starts stuttering a few random words.
"Really?... So... He doesn't want to ehm... break me apart?" Peter gulps.
Steve exhales shocked and wides his eyes of Peter's question.
"OF COURSE NOT!... Why would he even do something like that?!"
Peter looks blushing down.
"...Since I'm a mistake... And can't replace the real Peter..." he mumbles.
Steve gives Peter a hurted look and furrows his eyebrows.
"But Peter... You aren't any mistake... The mistake would be not making you in first place... I'm actually glad Tony made you despite I wasn't happy about it at first... But now... After seeing you... I finally have a son again... And even though you aren't the Peter I took care of since he was born... You are my son. And I will never let you down again" Steve smiles.
Then he glances at the door.
"And if Tony does anything to harm you again... I will tell him to shut up... In worse case you and I will live alone without him" he adds.
Peter looks smiling up.
"Thanks..." he says happily.
Steve nods.
"And now... Let's get inside... I'm sure Tony will be very happy of seeing you" he says and opened the door there they entered.Peter was walking slowly and faltering as he would any second by now, turn around and leave.
His heart pounds crazily as he was a rabbit afraid of its surroundings there it recently saw something lurking around in the shadows.
Despite Steve said Tony would very likely be happy of seeing him, he can't help the fear of seeing his father staring blankly through him. Not giving any hint of having any love for him.
But the moment he sees Tony's exhausted face brightening up of seeing him, he exhales relieved.
"Peter..." Tony says with extended arms while he passes Steve and takes Peter into his arms.
Peter gasps surprised over the sudden hug.
"You are home..." Tony says.
Peter exhales a short nervous laugh.
"Yeah-... I'm home..." he says with a crooked smile. Not completely ready with letting the guard down.
Tony leans backward with his hands on Peter's shoulders while he is eyeing Peter with narrow eyes.
"Now tell me... Why were you leaving a simple note and the second you noticed me at city; you are running away as I smelled or anything?" Tony asks with a raised eyebrow.
Peter gulps.
"I ehm... Didn't wanted you to take me apart..." Peter explains.
Tony looks doubtfully at him.
"Take you apart?... Did you really thought I would destroy the best thing I ever have created-..." Tony starts saying until Steve bumped his elbow on the side of Tony's back and made the brunette to grunt surprised.
Tony clears his throat.
"I mean... I have already lost one son... I don't want to lose my second son too..." he corrected himself.
Peter gasps.
"Wait?... Do you mean... You are actually seeing me as your son?... And not the failure who couldn't replace your real son?"
Tony exhales chuckling.
"Of course I do... If I haven't, I wouldn't let you be unknown of my firstborn... I didn't want you know you weren't my original child... But-... I failed... And mostly since I'm not the hero you remember me as..." Tony grunts and takes his hands of Peter.
Peter shrugs.
"Don't worry about that... Your life haven't been great lately... You've lost your son... And the last conversation you had was a fight there Peter told how much he hated you..." he starts saying which makes Tony to flinch shocked while pain struck him. Pain who is reflecting in his eyes.
"...What?!..." Tony clears his throat.
Peter inhales deeply.
"Peter and you had a fight there you had tried making Peter and Wade to break up... Which Peter got upset over since he never thought you would do anything like that against him... So, he yelled at you before the awful accident there his web ended and he... Fell..." Peter furrows his eyebrows.
Steve inhales gasping and stares shocked at Tony who also looked shocked.
"...Is that true?..." Steve exhales asking with a lower voice.
Tony clears his throat.
"How?-... How do you know that? I-... I thought I've had erased that part of your memory..."
Peter swallows hardly before he shrugs.
"I have a nightmare who hunts my dreams most of the time... And the second I met Wade, my dream has got more detailed and he could confirm the part there he was a part of..."
Tony raises an eyebrow.
"Have you met Wade?..." he asks surprised.
Peter nods.
"By accident... I was staying at Scorpion's place when-..."
"WHAT?!" both Steve and Tony shouts.
Peter chuckles and shakes his hands.
" Don't ask... What I actually want to say..." Peter inhales shakily and looks at Tony.
"If I'm alike Peter in one way and remember his life perfectly then... Then he didn't meant anything with those words...There he said he hated you... He was only upset. He has always loved you... From birth until the second he died..."
Tony furrows his eyebrows sadly and sniffles a little.
"Thank you Peter... I don't like hearing you have been around villains... But we can wait talking about that until another day... Let's enjoy our family is finally togeheter again..." Tony smiles before he starts walking away.
Steve raises an eyebrow while he is following Tony with the gaze.
Then he looks asking at Peter.
"What did Tony do with Wade and Peter?"
Peter shrugs.
"He only asked Wade to break up with m-...Peter...And then he told Peter, Wade is too old for him... Something like that... But that doesn't matter anymore"
Steve looks asking at Peter.
"I'm curious now... Since you have met Wade again... Did you got feelings for him?"
Peter grins mysterious...Hi.There will be two more chapters. But they will be alternative endings. Which means. You only have to read one of them to end the story :)
Thank you very much for supporting my book one way or another~I have more books if you want to read more about Peter (Another version ofc :P)
Have a good day^_^

New me
Фанфик(Finished) Peter Stark had everything you could wish for. Great parents who loved and cared about him. Until one day when he hadn't. One day stopped Captain America be a part of Peter's and Tony's life. Which seems affect Tony completely since he s...