27-heal my men

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Ryan brought Charlie to me. He had already changed back into his human form. They hurt him bad tears flooded my eyes. " Momma, close your eyes and listen to him." I did as Ryan told me to do, I could hear Charlie calling for me. "Baby, I am right here, follow my voice, my love", I beg him. I feel him breathing heavier now. I pull him closer, "Baby, I can't lose you need to open your eyes please", I put my hand on his chest, then I feel it. It felt like a zap of electricity that ran through my body. Then other guys came in. "What is she doing Ry baby" I heard Chris ask, "She is healing him, his wolf is too weak to do it on his own."

" Will that hurt the baby," Axel asked

" She pregnant again," Chris asked

"Yeah, she is only a day or two, she thinks Blaze impregnated yesterday and Axel this morning" Ryan answered him

" Ryan, if you don't stop telling my secrets I'm gonna tell yours," I said as I felt Charlie moving into my chest taking a deep breath. I rubbed his hair and looked down at him, "how are you feeling baby?" I asked as I helped him up. " I feel OK I guess " Ryan grabbed him and took him to the bathroom. I had 3 big giant men standing there staring at me. I stand up and look at them "what" I asked going to check on the babies.

"y'all go get cleaned up please and I will cook us dinner here because I don't wanna wake the pups up," I tell them.

I don't understand what I did all I know is I helped my husband to come back to me. I love each one of them differently but all the same. Like with Ryan, he is my best friend with very wonderful benefits. Chad well, I just found out he sat with me every day when I was in the coma after my wreak, He also was my biggest fear in school but I love him no matter what.. it took us a while to really connect, but he protects me and loves cuddling with me Axel, he is my big lover, boy and protector Charlie is my other best friend, he helps me with the babies the most. Can't forget my Mario I don't get to spend too much time with him but I think that is gonna change soon. Then we get to My Dario well OK Blaze he is my soulmate he is my Alpha he saved me.

Charlie comes up behind me kissing my neck which is a little odd for him. He started swaying his hips against my ass " Oh mamma I want to feel you all of you" He runs his hands up my shirt and finds my breast and pulls them out of my bra. I was enjoying this so much. I was enjoying him. " Baby I have to cook dinner and then I will let you do whatever you want to me," I tell him in a low, sexy voice. I noticed that we had guests... 4 men undressing me with their eyes.... and then Ryan " Damn y'all are watching me like I'm in heat." Oh! Damn it I am in heat that's why I want a baby so bad. "Well, can I finish dinner before you guys umm have your way with me ?"

We finished dinner, and we took the babies to the nursery and called the nanny to come.

"You can either walk your sexy fat, oh so fuckable ass into the room yourself or I can carry you. Remember someone said I had to kiss her ass when I got home...." Blaze said to me. I looked at him and took off running to our room. Charlie was the first one to me. He started kissing me on my neck and grabbing my breast. Oh, he was driving me crazy. I was watching the other guys watch me. Then I heard Ryan mind linking me and asking if he and Axel could play "Uh hmmm I finally get to watch", He always asks... I love watching my men please each other. I am now standing in front of Blaze Mario Chris and Charlie naked. Charlie comes to me and tells me to get on the bed. Softly kissing. He hovers over me, then moves down to my breast lightly grabbing them and licking my nipples. I don't know what's sexier, Blaze and Mario standing were watching me or Ryan and Axel making out. Before I look now it Charlie is in between my legs licking my clit. He is the smallest one of the guys, but he is just as hung as the rest of them. I couldn't wait any longer I needed to feel him. Chris was holding me for him. Just as Ryan did the first night we were together.

" Charlie, I need you please baby", I begged as he slowly pressed into me. Cause me to moan in pure pleasure. I don't get to feel him a lot but when I do oh he is so gentle. We both was near cumming together in no time. I held off until I felt him jerk inside of me.

"Oh Annabella, I could stay like this all day but I have a feeling your other husband wants to give you some loving also," Charlie said as he rolled over to my side kissing me.

I looked up at the 2 dark-haired men with somewhat matching green eyes. If I didn't know any better, Mario and Blaze could be brothers.

" We want to have you at the same time our beautiful goddess." Blaze said as I'm being lifted to straddle him. Charlie reached in the side drawer and threw Mario the bottle of lube. These 2 are big boys. I looked over and seen Ryan leaned over the chair and Axel ramming him from behind... Axel has a cute ass ....

" Oh, Axel mamma said you have a cute ass", Ryan moaned out.

I swear I'm gonna kill him one day

"Noooo you are not" he laughed out

I slid down Blaze's huge pole feeling Mario holding my hips. God, they handle all my curves as their life depended on it.

If you told me 2 years ago I would be basically married to 5 of the finest men in school, and I was gonna be the Luna of the largest pact in the tri-state area I would laughed in your face and held my head down, and walked away. These men love me even though I was used by nasty old men and I was beaten I was tainted. They had to pay money for me. BLAZE didn't bat an eye, he didn't care what it took, he wanted me. I still sometimes stand in his arms like the first time he wrapped his arms around me and told me everything was going to be OK, he would bring me home. He did and now I am the mother of his very big boy and hopefully, I have another one cooking inside of me now.

I feel Mario slowly work himself into me.

"Fuck Mario you are gonna make me cum just sliding into her" Blaze moaned, I laid on Blaze's chest " this is where you belong my goddess", he wrapped his arms around me kissing my forehead.

" Oh Daddy, this feels so perfect..."

I came so much I fell asleep on top of Blaze, and he stayed holding me until I woke up.I think he fell asleep as well.

Charlie heard me getting up "mamma, let me run your bath for you.."

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