1-First day(Anna)

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I was so afraid that my alarm was gonna wake my father up, so I didn't get much sleep. I was pretty sore from making my father angry again last night but I needed to go to school. Today is the first day of my senior year. I am depending on hopefully getting a scholarship to go to college.

I quietly take a shower and try to find some clothes that aren't torn or too small. It has been a long time that I have been able to get myself some new clothes. The money that I make at the coffee shop my father takes. I have to pay rent, he tells me. My boss Cheryl is really cool, she has been taking some money from my paychecks and putting it up for me. I am sure I could ask for some to buy some new clothes, but then my father would find out I am hiding money.

I grabbed my bag and walked to the kitchen hoping there would be maybe a piece of bread I could eat before leaving but of course not. I get a cup of water and walk out the door locking it behind me. I have about a 30-minute walk to school. It is a very lonely walk, but I have time to think. I noticed the neighbor when I got to the end of my driveway. He has been living there for a while now.

I was trying not to stare, but the guy that was walking to the nice truck parked in the driveway looked about my age. He is very tall with dark hair, he looks like he plays sports or something. I watched as he got in his truck and drove away.

I finally get to school and noticed there weren't many people here yet. I already knew where my locker and classes were. I came last week and got my schedule. I have had the same locker for the past 3 years. I stay to myself now, I don't have any friends, the ones I did have stopped talking to me after Chris the guy that has made my life hell started a rumor that I had sex with a group of guys at one time. He has gone as far as pushing me down the stairs last year. I broke my arm and bruised some of my ribs. I didn't want to get him in trouble, so I lied and said I tripped.

I get to my first class taking a seat in the far back. I watch as people start coming in and taking their seats. I noticed that a guy named Ryan walked in with of course Chris and a guy that looks like the guy I seen this morning. For some odd reason, I have always felt something for Ryan. I can't say it was a crush or maybe it was. I don't know I have never had a boyfriend or anything. I looked down hoping Chris wouldn't notice me but no luck. "Man the fat whore is in this class." I felt the lump building in my throat I knew soon the tears would come.

I made it through the rest of the day OK. I mean yeah Chris and his buddies said things to me and about me, but I am used to it. I start my walk to work. When I get there I have enough time to get something to eat. It will be the only thing I get to eat all day. Cheryl told me that she doesn't mind if I have a sandwich and a drink. You would think that I would be skin and bones, but nope, I am still a "fat whore" as I am called at school and home.

After putting on my apron I hear the doorbell. I put on my fake smile and pretend to be happy. "Hello welcome to Cheryl's coffees." I looked and our eyes met. He is even sexier up close. "Can I get a large Carmel Iced coffee with extra cream and sugar?" He said and went back to looking at his phone. I don't know why I am even getting hot and bothered over him. I would never have even a tiny chance with him or anybody else for that matter. I finished his drink and handed it to him, "Thanks Annabella", he said, and smiled at me. how did he know my name? Oh, stupid me, I am wearing a name tag. By the time I knew it, it was time for me to leave.

I finally made it home at a quarter to nine. My father was in his room with one of his whores, so I went to see if there was anything left from dinner, of course not. I get a cup of water and head to my room. I start my homework. I see the light gets turned on next door I glanced up and noticed it's him. I smile to myself thinking about him saying my name. Then I hear my father coming. I close my book. I hear him coming down the hall. I stand in the middle of my room because I know he is going to knock me down, I don't want to hit my bed or dresser. He ain't even in the room yet, and I am already crying.

My father slams the door open. The first hit is to my chest. He yells at me telling me I am a worthless excuse for a life. It should have been me that died instead of my mother and sister. then a slap to my face. He hit me so hard my body turned. I get punched in the head a couple of times until the darkness takes me in. I still feel him kicking me in my stomach and back. This time I woke up shortly after. I make it to my bed where I sleep somewhat peacefully. Just to do it all over again tomorrow.

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