13-going to the packhouse

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"Come on Ryan, get dressed now. Nobody wants to see your ding dong." I hear Annabella yelling. I can't help but laugh. She sure does have her hands full with him. I have never once seen him act like this. He had always been a hard ass. It is kind of turning me on.
" That's it, Daddy, come get this boy before I rip his head off." She yells,
" Ok OK, I'm getting dressed now." He yells back,

I walk into her room and she's not in there. I then walk to my room and there she stood in the window. Her hair hung to her waist right above her sexy fat ass. I can tell she was thinking about her life in that room. I walked behind her pressing myself against her. " I really never realized you could see my whole room. Your bed is lined up with mine. "

" So I could imagine laying with you all I had to do is look over. "

" Why didn't you ever talk to me, Dario?" She asked

" I was afraid of hurting you more. I knew what kind of person I was. I didn't care who I hurt or what I did. Annabella, you changed me when you wrapped your arms around me when I hugged you. You made me see how I want my future. I want to change how the pack runs things, you make me see the good in people now before I couldn't," I tell her as I stand behind her staring at the room I watched her get beat in... She changed the subject.

" Did you see Ryan on your way in here? " she asked me as she turned around to hug me.

" No why?" I asked like I didn't know she was fighting with him to get dressed.

" His big tall ass was running around in his boxers chasing Daniel with a water gun." She said as she snuggled into my chest more. I laugh to myself as I gave her a kiss.

We needed to get ready to go to the packhouse, but I was enjoying this right here with her in my arms. I rock us back and forth I close my eyes and picture our future. I picture the day I make her my wife, not just my mate and her with my pup growing inside of her. I picture the rest of my life with her. Waking up next to her every morning.

" Hey, will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?" I ask with knots in my stomach. Like she is the first girl I have ever asked out on a date. Wait I think she is the first one.

" Oh Dario, are you asking me out on a date mister?" she giggles looking up to me while playing with my shirt

" Yes, I am!" I run my fingers in her hair and wrap it around my fingers

"Mmm ok then yes I'll go but you know Chris will want to go and Ryan's pain in the ass too."

" I know... I don't care if you don't"

" Nah I don't mind at all I spent years all alone having everyone around makes me happy. thank you "

"NO baby thank you, you do not realize how happy I am"

We were interrupted by an 18 year that acts like a 5 year around Annabella. He walked behind her " I'm dressed now can I have a hug and a kiss please ."

She turned and said, " you look handsome..." And put her arms around his shoulders and went to kiss him on the cheek and he turned his head so she kissed on his lips... He grinned. I'm gonna kill this little fucker. OK so he is not so little and I might have to put up a really big fight.

We finally got everything together and hopped in the trucks. In my truck, it was me, Annabella Chris, and Ryan, in the SUV Daniel Charlie and Axel.
Annabella was sitting next to me upfront. She had her hand on my thigh and her index finger was rubbing a circle that was driving me crazy. She started moving close to my already semi-hard cock. " Little one if you don't stop we are gonna have a problem." I looked at her and grinned. Giving me an evil grin she then put her hand on my cock and jerked her hand away really fast. She looked at me with her eyes wide. "What? you felt it this morning" I asked her I already knew what it was. Her eyes go back down and back up to my eyes. I laugh and say 'It's not even fully hard"

" It wasn't hard this morning so yep that's not coming anywhere near me," she said

"aww but baby it will fit I promise, " I said as I grabbed her hand putting it back on my hard cock making her rub it.

"UHHH NOPE don't think so," She said shaking her head trying to move her hand. I moved it up and down on it. It felt so good. What I really wanted to do was pull it out and shove it in her pretty little mouth.

"She touched it didn't she" Chris yelled from the back seat. I look in the rear view mirror and nodded with a big smile on my face. wait where is Ryan...I saw Chris had his head leaned back with a sexy ass look on his face. We stopped at a red light and I looked back...Ryan was giving him head.

"Really guys... "

Annabella goes to look and I stop her by kissing her. " I'm gonna make sure you are so fucking horny and wet that you will beg me for my big fat cock. " I whisper in her ear.

"RYAN I am gonna kick your ass and Chris you are so bad."

"Sorry I tried to distract her" I laughed out Annabella still had her hand on my upper thigh. Her finger rubbed over the head of my cock. I moaned out she was teasing me so bad. "You are gonna make pull this truck over." her giggle did not make it any better for me. Two can play at this game. I placed my hand on her moving it up to her inner thigh slowly until I reached her hot core. She gasped I moved my middle finger up and down her hidden pussy. She grabbed my hand stopping me from moving. Lucky her we pulled into the packhouse.

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