34- baby boy

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I am feeling extremely little today and I need Anna. I know she is so busy with the pups and the other guys.

For the longest I was trying to be the strong man that everyone believes I am. I know I have Axel when I need someone to talk to but I feel he doesn't understand. Only she does.

I went to get me a drink from the kitchen but somehow I slipped into my little space. I thought it really only happened around Anna.

I reached for a glass and thought I set it on the counter but I didn't. I miss the counter and dropped it on the floor. Glass shattered everywhere. I started freaking out and began to cry.
" I can do this... I can be a big boy and clean it up"
I thought to myself. I started picking up the big pieces and put them in the trash can. Wiping the tears away I accidentally cut myself. When I am in little space my wolf sleeps causing me not to heal like I should.

I screamed it hurt really bad. The next thing I knew Blaze was grabbing me. I cried harder. I heard him yell for someone to get Anna...

" Moo daddy her tired and I is a big boy I do this myself" I cried to him.
He held me tighter ....
" Baby boy momma is never to tired for you...let's go to the living room"

A few seconds little momma as coming to me. I stared crying more. I didn't want her mad at me.

"Mommy I sowwy I tried being a big boy"
She pulled me to her chest
"Oh baby it's ok ... You are a big boy just sometimes you need help." Anna said in her momma voice. She always can calm me down.
" Daddy will you go get Ryan a cup of juice in a plastic cup please?"

" Of course Momma."  Daddy said. He is so caring also.

Momma held me for a little bit longer until I was completely calmed down.

Axel brought the first aid bag and helped momma clean the blood off of my face. Momma put a dinosaur band aid on my cheek and kissed it.

The pups came running down stairs. Darrin always knows when I am little he likes playing with me. I like playing with also.

We sat in the middle of the living room playing cars. I was having so much fun.

Ryliegh came to me....
" Daddy you play with me now." She was holding her dolly's. I started getting upset because my daughter has to see me like this. Why couldn't I be normal like everyone else.

" No daddy no cry pwease I sorry .... MOMMY DADDY CRY"  she yelled causing Anna to come back into the living room with Blaze and Axel.

"Ax baby will you take Ry up stairs... I will be up in a second."

Axel bent down and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him...and whispered....
" I sorry I messed up... Pwease no hate me."

" Ry my love I could never hate you... I love you so much all of you... And your not messed up... Your perfect to me."

He loves me so much but I feel I am not good enough for him.


When I went up stairs to Ry and Axel I was scared. Ry has not slipped into little space in a very long time. There has to be something wrong. I have been watching him for a while. He has seemed normal to me beside shutting me out of his mind. I guess that was my first clue.

I sat on the foot of the bed and Ry crawled to me laying his head on my lap.

"Ry baby tell mommy what is wrong please... What has my baby all upset?"

He looks up at me with his beautiful dark brown eyes.  He lifted his hand to Blazes mark on my neck and was tracing it with his finger.

I realized right then... He never marked me as his mate. We were not truly mated.

"Is it that baby... Are you upset about mommy not having your mark?"
He nodded his head yes. It broke my heart I have been so caught up in everything else that I have be pushing him away.
" Baby we can take care of that when you are a big boy. I love you so much baby boy."

" I sowwy mommy"

" Baby it's mommy's fault... "

He sat up and looked back at Axel and back at me. His eyes changed. I knew what was happening... Axel was a tad bit confused. I just shook my head at him.

Ryan was slipping out of little space. He snatched me up and threw me on the my back. I knew right then I was in trouble... Before I knew it he had me naked and was on top of me. I don't believe Axel has ever seen how Ryan is really with me when we are alone.

He kissed his way down to his pleasure box... Licking and sucking on my clit.

" Oh fuck Ryannnn.... "

"Hmmm are you ready Annabelle?" I love hearing him call me by my full name.

" Yes baby... Please...." He climbed up to me kissing me... Tasting myself on his lips and tongue drives me crazy. I looked over to Axel and he is just enjoying the show stroking himself.

"Hmm baby you like seeing him watching us...." Ryan asked as he lined himself with me.
I nodded and he rammed deep inside...
"Me too"

I gripped on to the bed cover holding on knowing I was about to be sent into a pleasure bless. Ryan leaned to my breast sucking on my nipples know that they are still sensitive. He was so gentle with them....he kissed his way to my neck and before I knew it I was maked by my baby boy which sent both of over the edge.

Axel came shortly after us.... And may I add he came on us.
We laid together me holding Ry close to me. I was his for real now.

We got cleaned up and found our way back down to everyone else.

Blaze grabbed me ....
"Hmmm finally... " He kissed me and ran his finger on Ryan's mark.
"It's beautiful baby boy."

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