12-feels right

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I can not believe this fucking bitch laid a hand on my Goddess. She better hope she didn't get hurt.
"What the fuck was you thinking bitch... ?"
"I'm sorry Dario I didn't know she was the Luna I just thought you were fucking her... I heard you all were." Christy cried in fear. She had tears in her eyes

" Where did you hear that? And for your information ain't no one fucking her... She has more respect for herself than to go sleeping around like you... Ha, you have been with all of the pack ... But Ryan, he is the smart one...
Daniel take this whore to the packhouse and me and Annabella will be there tonight to handle her" As Daniel was taking her away she was yelling that she needed to tell me something that would make me rethink how I was treating her. What I had with her is over it has been over since the day I held Annabella in my arms.

It is odd that I am so in love with her already, and that I find her so fucking sexy. I have always been attracted to tall skinny girls like Christy. Annabella is shorter but she is the perfect height for me to hold in my arms and she has some meat on her but it is better to snuggle up to. I actually loved having her in between me and Chris.

Axel and Ryan are already at home with Annabella. I decided that I was gonna go and get her something things she would need at the house before going home. Chris and Charlie came with me. That was a bad idea... Chris wanted to buy everything he put his hands on for her. I know he thinks he has to make up for what he has done to her in the past. She is a very forgiving person. I am sure once he has a chance to explain to her everything things will be ok between them. We ended up getting her a few outfits and new shoes. Of course personal items also. It felt weird to buy things for a female. I have never done this before. I have always been a fuck boy. I do believe I'm becoming the man she needs me to be.

I have 2 weeks to plan the perfect birthday for my goddess. I want her to have the best of everything. I need to treat her like the beautiful woman she is... I have to win her heart.

When we get home Annabella was laying down in her room. I opened the door quietly and looked in. She was snuggled up to the pillow I slept on last night. I couldn't help but smile. " It smells like you... And I missed you " she said not even turning to look at me. I climbed behind her. Pulling her back into my chest... "Are you ok baby?" I asked as I kissed her cheek

" I have a bad headache but I'll be ok Axel gave me the pain pills you had in your bag. He said you had them for me the day everything happened"

" I did, I watched your father beat you the night before. I got up early so I could watch you wake up and I saw you were hurting. I was gonna give them to you when seen you at lunch but you were gone." I told her in a low voice. Nudging my face in her hair smelling her. I don't know what it is but her smell had me under a spell.

" When you are feeling better we need to go to the packhouse tonight. Everyone wants to meet the woman that has Dario going crazy."

" Oh, really I have you going crazy huh... "

" Baby I wanna touch you so bad. I want to feel you. " I whined as I kissed her head.
She rolls over to face me and looks up at me through her eyelashes... " You know I am still a virgin... My father only let the men that raped me fuck me in my ass ... He said he didn't want any retards like me running around." I seen the tears roll down her face when she told me that. All I could do was hold her tight. " Baby I'm sorry I let you go through that I should have been more of a man and saved you from him."

" You did Dario you saved me from something worse ... Who knows where I would be right now if you didn't buy me."

" I promise I will be the man you deserve... We all will be. "

" Dario I'm confused... I have all these mates how does that work?" She asked me all innocently.

I began to explain..." We will have the same feeling for you well except Ryan....he looks at you like a mother figure... You heard of BDSM right?"

" Yes I know he is a submissive"

"He is submissive to only you..."

"But today at school he called me Momma and you Daddy... So I think that he is submissive to you also... " I thought to myself that big motherfucker submitting to me. Hmm, that could be fun in more ways than one.

" We will find out ..." I say pulling her to me more. I wish I could just be inside of her.

"Ryyyyyan" Annabella called out. 2 seconds later Ryan come running "yes momma ...." Not knowing I was laying in bed with her. The look on his face was so fucking sexy. I have really never been into any other males besides Chris. He could be an exception.

" We need to talk baby boy come here," she told him as he climbed over me pausing for a second and looking at me. I saw he was blushing. He laid in between us and snuggled into Annabella

" You know Ryan if I didn't know any better I would think you trying to steal my woman...." I said playing around. I noticed his smile left.

" Sorry Daddy I'll leave" Ryan replied with his head down. He went to get up and I pulled him to me hugging him " What did you call me "

He started acting all shy " I called you Daddy... Your my daddy and Annabella is of course my momma... I'm a submissive little. I know that was gonna be the next question. I'll stop calling you that I'm sorry "

" No Ryan you don't have to stop... I like it. " I tell him, moving him back in between me and Annabella. I kissed him on his cheek as I let him lay his head on my chest. "This feels so perfect right now..."

We lay there for a little bit and then decide to get up and eat before we go to that packhouse. 

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