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I came home and looked all over the house for Annabella and she was gone. I found Ryan and he said she had turned off the mind link somehow. I knew something was wrong. I called Axel and Chris and they said they didn't even see her this morning before they left. When I got up she was still laying in bed. She was just laying there watching me get ready to go to my meeting. Charlie said he laid her clothes out this morning while she was in the shower but he never seen her really. I tried calling her and she sent it voicemail..."Hey Goddess baby where are you I need you.... Love you Annabella "

Her car was still here. I started worrying. I had some of the guys go looking for her. I waited around the house for a while. I stayed in the babies room playing with them. They are walking now well should i say running now. My boy is the biggest on and Axel's little girl is almost as big as Darrin. Ryleigh is a little bug just like her daddy. She loves to cuddle , her and Christian are always together just like their Daddy's.

Ding Ding

Momma: You can tell your boys to leave me the fuck alone.

Me:baby what's wrong where are you?

Momma: Don't worry about it I'm ok I'll be home later.

Me: Annabella I'm not playing where the fuck are you!

Momma:I need a break.

Me:but I hired Nanny's and we help with the babies all the time.

Momma: I don't need a break from my children

Me: from what then

Momma: you guys. It feels like I'm only wanted when y'all what to fuck.

I didn't realize she felt like that. She right though we don't take her out or anything. She busts her ass all day every day and gets nothing in return.

Me: what can we do to make it better my love?

Momma: I don't know I am 20 years old and have 4 wonderful children and 5 gorgeous husbands I don't know why I feel this way.

Me: I do because we take you for granted. We need to give you more attention than just in the bedroom.

Momma: I love our time in the bedroom...

Me: you need more then just sex baby I'm sorry I didn't realize this before now..... I love you please come home.

I find the guys and tell them about our conversation and they agreed with me. We started the date night thing before the babies and just quit. We needed to start doing it again.

We decided I would take her out first. I got one the phone right away and got us a reservation for the new restaurant in town. Then planned on taking her to a beautiful spot by the lake and just spending one on one time with her.

She came home about an hour after texting her.

" Hey my goddess... I love you ..." I say hugging her from behind.

"What do you want Blaze"

"Will you go with me tonight... I have something I need to do and would like for you to be there please."

"Yes of course baby I will go with you. But why me and not Chris or Axel?"

"Because it's kind of a Luna job"


    letting her know

  I have been thinking about what happened with my Goddess. I have never shown her how much she really meant to me. I have never taken her and showed her off. Believe it or not, there are still people of the pack that has never seen her. They know they have a Luna and that's it. I have hidden her, we all have. I am not ashamed of her I will never be ashamed of her.

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