20-the truth

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Ryan and Charlie were making me laugh so hard playing around in the kitchen while Charlie made dinner for us I had to go pee. I went to go pee when I heard Axel and Chris talking in their office. I walked closer to the opened door.

"He said he was going to get things straight before the babies are born, He loves her to Axel more than words could ever explain, I have watched them two from day one. I even put my feelings for her aside for him before I knew she was my mate also. I love them both so much. I hear her cry when she doesn't think anyone is around." I heard Chris tell Axel

"Man I still can't believe he is alive and soon will back with her," Axel replied

I walk to the doorway and looked at Chris...I could not believe what I heard " You tell that son of bitch to don't worry about coming home... I am done with this shit." Still hurt from finding out about Christy having his child I yell at them "Tell him christy needs him because I don't."
As I walk away I hear "fuck she heard" then Axel grabbed me. I turned around... "I know I'm not pretty or skinny like y'all like and I sorry I ruined your lives by getting knocked up and I'm sorry that Dario didn't want to be me with so bad that he faked his death. I will be gone by morning time... I hope you guys will be happy."

I stand in what was our room looking around at the memories that were made in this room. The room that I spent with him in his arms. I don't understand I thought he loved me that's what he told me he made me believe it he made me feel it.... why did he waste the money on buying me. He should have just let me go he should have never come to my house that day. Now I am fixing to walk out of this house with the clothes I can carry and my 3 babies. I will be strong and raise my children alone.

I hear yelling outside my door. I don't even care what it is about. I can't get the image of Me and Dario laying in bed together out of my head. The yelling is getting louder. Then I hear nothing everything went black.


"Annabella, Annabella please open the door please don't do this ... Please let us explain " I yell to her through the door. She is not answering.

"Ryan, baby please tell her to open the door" I yell to him.

The next thing I see is him pushing me away from the door and him busting it open. There she is laying in the middle of the room not moving... Ryan picks her up and yells to Charlie like Chris nor I was standing there. I know he is hurt, I have hurt him and her, both of the people I love the most in this world. "Get the truck."

We get to the hospital. Everyone is in a panic our Luna our mate our love is hurt. Ryan is being so calm carrying her in his arms " Mommy please wake up, I need you" he begs her walking to the emergency room. A doctor comes and shows him where to take her. He gives him her information. We are told to wait in the waiting room. I watch as he breaks he falls to his knees I run over to him and tries to push me away. I don't allow him I need him as much as he needs me.

Chris is pacing back and forth stopping in front of me and Ry " Axel, I told her I loved her ..... I have never told anyone I loved them not even Dario. ..... I can't go on without her ..... I hate him for this. I may lose my love and our children because of him. " with tears running down his face. Ry buries his face into my chest as I pull Chris into a hug.

" I know Chris... I told her I want to marry her, I want to be her husband not just her mate." I tell him.

Ryan pulls away from me "You don't deserve to be her husband neither one of you deserves her" yelling at us...." I held her for the 3 months yall couldn't even call her. She cried every night wanting to just tell you she loved y'all. When we found out she was pregnant she wanted to tell you guys but no you made her feel like she was not wanted any more of you deserve her. You all can go to hell. " it hurt me so bad hearing that from the man I love but he was right...we just ignored her.

We acted like we didn't have someone at home that loved us. We to her for granted. Now she is laying in a hospital bed fighting for her life and our children's.

I walked to Ryan praying he would let me hold him. I needed to hold him not for him but for me.

What is taking so long why hasn't someone come out here yet. I am so worried bout her.


I need to call him even though he said not to contact him last week. This is killing all of us.


"Why are you calling me..... "

"Dar she is in the hospital we found her passed out in the middle of her room"

"Is she ok"

"No she's not she seen Christy a couple of weeks ago and she told her about her kid being yours She is hurt that you never told her. You fucking hurt her Dario for what? I swear if she loses my babies I will make sure you really die this time"

" Ok I'll be there in an hour"

I can't believe the man I loved is doing this to the woman I have fallen in love with. Yeah at first I was afraid of her being my mate. After everything, I have done to her. I dreamed of her being my mate years ago. That went away when I believed she wanted nothing to do with me.

I have been watching Ryan he is going crazy after he went off on us he has just been sitting there. I know he is trying to talk to her. He is the only one that can mind link with her. I have learned so much more about him since Annabella has been with us. I would have never thought he was a sub... he is so hard and ruthless when it came to getting shit done. He really loves her. I went and sat next to him and Axel "She is going to be ok Ry ... " he turns away from Axel falling into my chest hugging me briefly before turning back to Axel. Axel pulls him into his lap and holds him. There is more to their relationship than I know. Ryan and Axel are always strong for everyone I am glad they have each other now.

Fuck what is taking so long?

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