19-Getting by

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     Ever since Dario past a lot of things have fallen on my back. I am a strong man most of the time. I have been being strong for Anna. There is someone that has been keeping me strong, he has proven to be strong for both me and Anna. He shows me every day that I am needed and shows me that I am loved. Our relationship has changed I can't be without him and Anna now.

I just got home from a meeting in town about the new club when he came into my room. I was changing my clothes when he came behind me. "You have a hard day babe" I turn and smile I love seeing his face. "Yeah, just a little stressful" I grab him and pull him to me. Looking him in his eyes wanting to confess my love for him. I need him to know. I shake my head pressing my forehead against his "DO you know how I feel about you Ry?" I heard him gasp for air. "Axel, you don't have to do this" gripping the back of his head "Ryan I need you to know that I love you, I never thought that I would ever fall in love with a man and I did I fell in love with you." his gorgeous eyes met mine "Axel you are in love with me?" shaking my head I smashed my lips to his. He started crying as I knew he would. I pulled him to my arms and held him.

I went downstairs to the kitchen watching Charlie and Mario pamper Momma. Chris called me into the other room.

"I just got a call we have to go" Looking surprised I asked him why and where. He just told me he got a phone that we needed to meet at the port. He looked as if he had seen a ghost when he was telling me.

When we got to the port I noticed a few trucks. Chris jumped out I followed, we walked to a warehouse. The man I saw standing there was a ghost for real. A man I watched the woman I love grieve over the man we buried. Chris and Dario embraced in a hug. "What the fuck man we fucking buried you. What the fuck is going on?" I yell to him "Chris did you know?" He walked to me and grabbed the back of my head and pressed his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry Ax I had to do it I had to protect our family" I pulled away from him "You made the mother of our children think you are dead." He looked at me and the tears filled his eyes, he didn't know. "What the mother of our children, She is pregnant?" he grabbed me shaking me "Tell me Axel is she having my child? TELL ME !" he yelled Pushing my hands though my hair "Yes Dario, She is we just found out today she is having 3 pups, Dar." He dropped to his knees in tears. Chris went to him. I saw the love between them the same love between Ry and me.

After a while of talking and figuring out how we could get Dario back home with Anna. We left to head back home. The hard part is to keep this from my baby girl. I have told her everything I have not lied to her at all not once since the day I grabbed her in the hallway at school. This is gonna kill me but I know that in the end, she will be happy.

It has been a couple of weeks since we went and met with Dario. Chris has been keeping in contact with him I chose not to. Ann has another doctor's appointment today, I believe it is just blood work. Ryan and I are taking her.

We were laying in bed a little longer this morning the further along Anna gets she has been getting more tired. She does not complain not once she is an amazing person truly her soul is too good. I could tell she was having one of her days where she misses him more. What hurts her she says is she can still feel him. It is killing me because I know the truth. I pulled her to me closer kissing her forehead when the door opens and there stood her baby boy. "Don't look now but you have this fine ass man coming towards you" She giggled "You love him don't you?" She asked snuggling into me more. "Yeah, he is a good man." Ryan climbed in bed with us giving us both a kiss "Momma you need to get up and get ready for your appointment." She rolled over to him "Oh but Ry your boyfriend snuggles so good." He looked down like he was in trouble she noticed and grabbed him pulling him to her. "baby i love the fact that my mates love each other, I watched the bond between Dario and Chris." I heard the sadness in her voice "And I wanna watch it between you and Ax, my love" Her talking about Dario got to her. She got up and hid her sadness. I watched her get dressed holding back the tears. Fuck I wanna just take her to him. She will never love anyone the way she loves him.

After coming home from her appointment I found Chris needing to talk to him. We went to our office.

" Man he needs to come home soon she is so depressed Chris. Why couldn't he just tell her what was going on ." I asked him sitting on the corner of the desk "She really loves him, She said she can still feel him, I had to lie to her this morning I told her it was because of the baby, Man this hurts lying to her"

"He said he was going to get things straight before the babies are born, He loves her to Axel more than words could ever explain, I have watched them two from day one. I even put my feelings for her aside for him before I knew she was my mate also. I love them both so much. I hear her cry when she doesn't think anyone is around.

"Man I still can't believe he is alive and soon will back with her." 

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