9-first night home

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After stopping and getting food, enough for us 3 and the other 3 that will be staying with us. We get home and Chris and I get out and she sits in the truck with tears in her eyes. What's wrong Annabella.
" I can't stay here what if he comes and get me ?" She cried out looking at what used to be her home.
I climb back in the truck with her taking her hands and explained to her that he is gone Tony took him after they left with her. That eased her mind a little bit.
"And you have me and Chris that will be by you at all times. Then you got Ryan Charlie and Mario that will be staying here with us also.
She finally trusts me enough and gets out of the truck. I took her by her waist and sat her on the ground.
She hasn't left my side for one second since we have been home. I am loving every moment of it. We all sat at the dining room table to eat.Annabella sat on my lap. Charlie was the one that said something about me staring at her this morning at school. I could tell he felt like shit. " How can you tell she is you guys mate?" He asked. He is still learning shit. He doesn't have parents like me.
" For me ... I have had something for her since I saw I didn't know what it was until today when I held her in my arms... My wolf went crazy." When I said wolf I almost freaked out because I didn't tell her about the wolf part. I looked at her and she was just sitting there. She looked up at me and said " What? Do you think I'm a human?"

" I thought you were because of your father..." I said to her dumbfounded.

" Dario, My momma told me you were coming. My momma was a wolf. I am half wolf."

I was so relieved that she told me that. It meant that when it came time I would not hurt her or we would not hurt her.

" Ummm I don't mean to interrupt anyone but when you and Chris came near me I felt something weird inside of me and well I am feeling it again. And it's a little different this time."

What does she mean .... Does she have more mates how come I don't know I mean I knew about Chris but... Oh boy, that means we have another mate also.

" Guys we have a little problem well not a problem hell I don't know what it is... One of you 3 is our mate also... " They look at me like I was nuts.

Annabella got up and went right to Ryan and smelled him. I followed her to him...." Damn it" he called out

"Do you not want to be your Luna's mate Ryan?" Chris asked him

" No that's not it, I have known she was my mate... I didn't want you upset with me."

Annabella leaned down to him " I think I knew also I just thought it was a stupid crush like the one I have on Dario and Chris."

I didn't mind that it was Ryan at all... That really does mean she is a Luna goddess... And not just a nickname I gave her. That means she has more mates.

" Annabella do you know what this means ... You are the true Luna Goddess. You are going to have more or should I say we are gonna have more mates. " I tell her as I sat down and pulled her in my lap. She leans into me and whispers " No matter how many we have you will always be next to me ... You are my Alpha Dario I will only answer to you ." I couldn't stop myself I had to feel her lips on mine. I put my hand on her cheek and slide it into her hair pulling it gently so that her neck was open and I smashed my lips to hers licking her bottom lip begging for her to open her mouth so I could be inside of her. She slowly parted her lips for me to enter. I couldn't get enough of her. My lips left hers and traveled down to her neck kissing and licking. I found her special spot, I sucked a little harder to leave my presence " mmm Dario" escaped her lovely mouth. I had to pull myself away before it leads to me carrying her upstairs and well she's not ready for what I would do to her. " That was amazing mmm" she whispered softly in my ear sucking on my ear lobe... Ok, you little minx she is going to drive me crazy.
I was getting stares from Chris and Ryan. I just gave them evil grins. Annabella was sitting on my lap snuggled to my chest playing with my shirt. " If I take it off what will you play with then" I joked with her...

" I'll pull your big fat cock out and play with it... " She replied laughing. "Mmm let get this shirt off then... " I played like I was gonna take it off. We all laughed. It felt normal to have her here with it was like tonight wasn't her first time here.

Chris grabbed my hand that was resting on the table. " Hey love birds we need to actually have a talk, we need to tell her everything."
" Ok ok ok babe dang that's a sure way to get my dick limp ....but with this fine fat ass on it, it won't go down." Then I felt a small slap on my chest.

" Annabella in a couple of months when we graduate... I or we will take over the pack as Head Alpha and Luna. Within that time we have to mark each other and mate. Are you going to ready for that baby? I don't want to push you into something. Or you can reject me as your mate. "

"Dario, why would I reject you as my mate? " She said as she sat up looking me in the eye. I could see her eyes filling with tears.

" Because I sat in my window and watched as you got beat and raped and did nothing... I watched you cry I watched you hurt. I already failed you as a mate.." I told her pushing my face into her chest. She grabbed me and kissed the top of my head rubbing her fingers through my hair.

" I know you watched but you were my hope. Even though I was being hurt I felt peace with knowing you were there. You didn't just watch me get hurt, you watched me sleep also. You were protective I know you wouldn't let anything I couldn't handle happen to me." She said as she picked my head up and kissed me.

" You don't hate me ?" I asked

" No silly how could I hate you... You just spent $55,000 to save me from an uncertain future. I think you made up for it. " She said shaking her head and kissing my forehead.

We continued talking about stuff and I actually had a good time. We played pass the Annabella around. When Ryan took her it was a different bond. They didn't kiss or play around sexually like me playing with her. It was like they were having a conversation without saying a word. She would sit up and look at him and lay back down and smile. I'm trying not to be jealous but I feel it coming on strong.

She was still a little worried about getting close to Chris after what he has done to her in the past. In time she will see that he will not harm her anymore.

" Alright pretty thing .... We need to get to bed we got school tomorrow.... I'll show you your room." I stood up saying as I looked at her.

We walked to the room next to mine.." you can move into the big room now Dario I don't live there no more..." Wrapping her arms around me...

" Only if you move in there with me" kissing her on her cheek.

" Ok," she said walking into her room.

She looked back at me " good night Dario I will see you in the morning"

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