31-shes home

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When we got to the house I took Annabella straight to our room. I wasn't wasting any more time. I needed her now. I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. The look in her eyes was intoxicating. Her breathing got heavier as I ripped her dress off of her. "How long did you think you were gonna be able to hide from me, Annabella? Did you forget you are mine?" I whispered into the side of her face as I squeezed her face. I have never been like this I don't know what has come over me. I felt the needed to manhandle her. I grabbed her breast while sucking in her neck. She tried grabbing me to push me off but I wasn't allowing her. "Dario, you are hurting me," she whispered. I laughed, "I'm hurting you, what do you think you did to me, Annabella? You fucking hurt me, you took my pups and my mates with you when you left." It didn't click in my head what I was doing to her until she started crying. I let her go and looked at her. Damn it, I love this woman. I grabbed her "I'm so sorry baby I don't know what came over me" She wrapped her arms around me, "Dario, I love you"

I picked her up and laid her on the bed. Kissing her and rubbing her naked chest. I reached her stomach where my babies are growing inside of her. Instant regret washed over me. How could I even think of touching another woman? I may have saved her from being beat and raped but I have hurt her more than anyone could ever.

She looked at me "I forgive you" hearing her say made my heart skip a beat. I gently pressed my lips to hers. Kissing her like it was our first time again. "Please Blaze tell me why, why did you and Chris turn to another woman?" I didn't really know why, I didn't know how to answer her. "Baby I don't know it was a terrible mistake.She just started rubbing on me and I..." She put her finger on my mouth " I don't want to hear anymore. I want to move on past this we have a family." She got up and grab one of my shirts and walked out of the room.

Do I even deserve her? I love her but is it enough anymore?

Chris's POV

I sat on the couch wondering what was going on upstairs. I don't even know if I can even face my Bella. I was listening to the kids running and playing when I felt two of the most beautiful arms wrap around my shoulders. "Bella" I whisper. She walked around and sat on my lap. I wrapped one arm around her back and placed my other hand on her stomach. "I am so happy you're home Bella please never leave again." I pulled her to me and kissed her. " Don't give me a reason to leave again" she giggled and got up.

How could we ever have hurt her? She is so forgiving. I am afraid that I have ruined our relationship. I have ruined what took us so long to build. I will regain her trust.

I got up and went to her. I needed to touch her. "will you ever forgive me, momma?" I asked her as I kissed her cheek "I have forgiven you for so much, I love you Chris and no matter what I am yours I guess you could say I have always been yours" She turned around in my arms and gave me a kiss. "Now I have 4 hungry kids to feed I need to cook" I sat at the bar watching her move around the kitchen like an angel. I sat a thought of our relationship over the past 4 years.


"Chris did you hear about Annabella, She was in a bad wreck she is in a coma dude." Anthony told me in first period. I couldn't get her off of my mind the whole day. I would look around for her hoping he was wrong. I went to the hospital right after school. I stood in the door way and stared at her beautiful body covered in cuts and bruises. Her hair was matted with blood in it. My mother came and helped me clean her up. My mom knew she was important to me. Before she past away she told me one day it would all make sense to me.

"Chris you don't want to be with me, I know it is all just a joke." I hung my head "Anna no it is not a joke" She went to walk away "I can't, I will get in trouble"

"Hey Fatso, what are you doing here? Don't they have a special pen for you?" I can't believe someone can let themselves go. She doesn't even care about how she dresses. She looked down and went to walk down the stairs and I gave her a hand. I pushed her then stood there watching her fall. I laughed at the fat ass bitch. Deep down inside it killed me, I could not believe the same girl I was madly in love with. I sat with her everyday for 3 months and watched her sleep. I loved her and I was afraid I still did.

She was so scared she looked up at me not knowing what I was going to do to her. If she only knew that Dario was already madly in love with her. It was killing me because I keep seeing her face falling down the stairs. I only made her life harder. I am no better than her father. He beat her at home and I caused her pain at school. Fuck she is my Mate also....

"I love you Annabella and I promise I will love you as much as Dario did. And I will raise his child as my own. Will you take me as your Alpha? Will you walk by my side as I try to be as good as our lover? Please

She is the first one I have ever admitted to loving she is the first one I have ever told.  

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