Putting on a act

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I'm honestly thinking about deleting this book and creating a new one with the same concept but better sentence variety.

⚠️I am deleting this book on Once my new book is completed.⚠️
KELLY!, my dad yelled in anger, "WHY ISN'T THE FOOD READY!"

I wince as his powerful voice echos through the house. I hate that I still let my dad have an affect on me. I can drown out all the spiteful words and insults others give me but when it comes to him me and my wolf cower my down... so he thinks.

In reality I don't care for my dads love, I stopped looking for that years ago. My wolf and I are alphas so when he disrespects us it's like my wolf is just clawing to get out and kill him and anyone else that disrespects us. But I have to pretend like I'm scared until my 18nth birthday, the day I will finally be free.

KELLY!, dad shouts. I quickly snap out of my thoughts and put on a oversized hoodie and some baggy joggers. I would love to wear something cuter and less baggy but if I did my dad would see how toned my body is and interrogate me. I secretly train, harder than any warrior this pack has, it's the only thing that lets me get all my anger out.

I quickly made my way down stairs. When I get into the kitchen I'm met with a fist connecting to my rib. I look up to see my angry dad.

"Why. Isn't. The food. Ready". He says looking at me like he's ready to kill.

My wolf is cursing a storm but I have to act weak just for a few more days.

"I-I'm sorry I over slept", I say fake stuttering

"Get breakfast ready in 20 min, if I come back and it's not ready, you'll need another visit to the pack doctor." My dad whispers with nothing but hate.

I get breakfast ready and the table set up for the whole pack. After I fix my plate and run to my room. If you can even call it that. It's basically a shoe closet, maybe even worse.

You might be wondering why I get treated like this. When I was 5 I was in a car accident, along with my mom and older brother. I was the only one to survive The accident so my dad was distressed and decided to put all his anger on the only one to survive. Me. So for 12 years I had to go through the abuse of my dad and other pack mates.

But in just three days, I'll be 18 and I will fully change into my wolf form. Then I'll be able to run from this hell hole and never look back.

Author here!!! Hi guys I'm  new to writing so sorry if it is a little off I would love suggestions.

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