Not so fast

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We are now done with training and almost everyone is a sweating mess. We've trained them harder than they thought we could. If what we're going up against is more powerful than we think I'm not risking slacking off.

We decided that some of the vampires, demons, and angels would stay in the pack house while the rest of them stay in the extra houses on pack grounds. I want them to be as close as possible just in case.

It's later in the night and I decided to let my wolf run the trails. Ethan offered to come with me but I just wanted some line time to catch up with my wolf.

I couldn't help the feeling that I'm being watched. I start to run back to the pack house because whenever I get a feeling like this something always goes wrong.

Soon 5 men surrounded me. They smelt rogue. Maybe there part of that organization...

I snap out of my thoughts as all 5 rogues aim for me. I fight back killing 2 of them but in the end they won. To be honest I didn't give my all. Some part of me is telling me that I need to go with them. Maybe I need to see what's going on from the inside.

They knock me out with what I assume to be chloroprene.

When I wake up I am in a cell chained with silvers. It didn't effect me because after a certain point in my life my dad knocked me down so bad that I started injecting my body with silver, in hopes that I would die, until I my body got used to it.

I few minutes later a man walked in. He was twice my height, had black hair, and he whore a black suite. I could smell the power coming off of him.

This must be the guy! He killed my parents! My wolf wanted to come out immediately. But I had to wait. I don't know what this guy is capable of.

"So you really are alive..." he spoke with a scowl on his face.

"No, imma spirit." I said annoyed by this situation. I know it's not the time to have an attitude but I just can't help it.

"So you got jokes."

"Assuming you know who I am. You know my plans. Well my original plans."

"If it was up to me you'd be with the moon goddess. But someone put up a better offer." As he said that Aden walked in.

I stared at him in shock. I knew he was a little out of it. But working with the man that killed my mom and brother. His best friend!

"Hey Kelly." He said as he crouched down

"Don't fucking hey key Kelly me. What the hell is this?" My eyes were switching from my natural color to red every time I looked at them. I knew sooner or later my hybrid side would come out.

He slapped then said. "Don't use that tone with me! I want you Kelly. But I had to take you away from Ethan." He had a disgusted look on his face as he said Ethan.

At that point I was done. I broke the silver chains. And let my demon out. If no one could get to them I knew for a fact she could.

They stared at me in shock.

"H-how did you do that." Aden said backing away. God he's so weak. What made him think I would ever come back to him.

*Grenada's pov (Kelly's Demon)*

"How dare you work with the man who killed my family and then think I would have any feeling towards you." My voice was booming as a pushed him into a corner.

"Your mine. You always were." He's out of it. Hell he even looks worst.

"Your nothing to me and my human. Your just a worthless piece of crap who needs to be tortured til the end of time." With that I entered into his mind and made him experience his worst nightmare. It was him losing everything. His pack, his parents, his Luna, and even me. I knew my human wouldn't exactly agree with what I did but he deserved it.

I turned around to see that bastard trying to get away. I pull out my wings and grab him.

"Oh no you not getting away so easily." I said making sure my voice was laced with venom.

*For the next few chapters it will be in Ethan's pov*

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