Second chances

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When I woke up it was so peaceful. The sky was blue, birds were singing, and the warmth of the air wrapped around me like a warm hug, I haven't had a moment like this in a while. Then I remembered what happened and I got all angry. (Anger issues, need to solve em). But the longer I dwelled on my pack issues the longer I felt the need to get my revenge. I was never the type to seek revenge but this seemed to important to me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a heart wrenching scream. It sounded like a little girl. I started running in the direction of the scream on instinct. When I got there the girl was surrounded by 3 rogues she looked no older than 6. My anger was at it's peak. This is the time I would release anger while training but rogues would have to do.

When I reached I grabbed one of the rogues by the leg and snapped it like a twig. I was surprised by my strength growth. Next I tore his throat out for in easy kill. On to my next target. The second rouge was small but he looked higher ranked maybe a second in command. He tried to aim for my neck but I grabbed his mouth with both of my hands and ripped it open. Target down. The last rogue was trying to get away but I quickly caught him and ripped his throat for another easy kill.

I looked to the girl and she had a shocked expression. I guess she was surprised just as much as I was. I went over and asked her some questions.
"Are you hurt?"
"N-no" ,she said her voice a little shaken,
"Do you know where your parents are?"
"Yes can you take me please"
"Of course, I'm Kelly by the way"
"I'm Lilly" she said with the cutest smile.

When we arrived at her house I couldn't help but admire. It was a huge 3 story mansion with white marbled pillars. Then 3 people came from the door of the huge mansion. They looked so relived to see Lilly and they shot their eyes towards me. Then something happened. When I stared into one of the boys eyes there were sparks.
"MATE!" My wolf screeched and so did he

I never thought the moon goddess would bless me with a second chance mate but here he is. And damn was he beautiful. He had black hair and blue eyes just like me, he was tall, and I could tell he was well built even through his clothes.

Who I assumed to be his parents were giggling and they looked so happy to see their son with a mate.

"Oh hi, I found Lilly in the woods and she was being attacked by rogues" I said speaking to the parents

"Oh thank you so much!" The Luna spoke up. "Come in come in." She was pointing at the door.

"Do you mind if I freshen up?" I said realizing that I haven't tooken a shower in 2 days.

"Sure hun, Ethan can show you to the guest room." She was pointing at my mate. I now knew his name, Ethan.

When we got to the guest room it was beautiful. The walls where painted a pastel yellow and there was a flower garden by the window. This was everything compared to my old 'room'.

I caught Ethan staring at me while he leaned against my door frame. Goddess he looks so good.

"Your beautiful" he suddenly said. I blushed, no one ever called me beautiful. "Thank you" I said trying to hide my blush.

"When your done we are cuddling and talking about your life cause something tells me you've been through some shit" he said with a cute giggle and I was taken back but nodded.

When I was done showering my wolf, my angel, my demon, and my vampire clouded my brain with chat about Ethan.

"I wonder if he's nice" my angel said
"I would love a couple of sips of his blood!" My vampire said seductively.
my wolf pured like a lovesick puppy at the thought of him.
"I bet he has a naughty side" my demon said in the same seductive tone as my vampire.

Oh now they wanna pop up! "Where have you guys been." "We've been around" ,my wolf spoke. I internally rolled my eyes.

When I was done I was wearing a cute yellow sunflower dress, finally happy that I can wear whatever I want.

Ethan was sitting on my bed when I walked out. He patted the bed for me to sit beside him so I did. "Begin, I want to know EVERYTHING." I sighed. For the next hour I told him about all the things my father did and why he did it, my mate rejection, me running away, and even me being hybrid. Something about him made me feel like I could trust him with my life. I didn't feel this way with Aden and I don't think I ever would. When I was done he wrapped me in the tightest hug and said. "I will never hurt you, ever." Those were the words I needed to here for the past 12 years. I hugged him like he would be gone in a blink.

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