Connecting the puzzle pieces

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When I woke up I had this strange gut feeling. And apparently so did Ethan. He was laying down facing the sealing with the same look he always had when we sensed something weird.

A few moments later blue streaks started floating around the room. I thought I was going crazy but Ethan noticed them to. Then we were both knocked out.

When we woke up we were in the same place the moon goddess took us to the first time. This time she had a look of concern on her face.

"I am now ready to tell you what is actually happening. The rogues that have been coming into the territory are actually part of an organization. But they are just a distraction of the bigger picture. The man that caused your earthly mother and your brothers deaths is creating an army of rogues to come and attack. He was lead to believe that you were dead all these years, but now that he has found out your not he's just waiting to have your blood on his hands."

When she was done all I could do is stare blankly. No rational words came to mind.

"So I have decided to strengthen your powers but you will need to mate on the full moon tonight. You will have to be out side fully covered in the moon. The moon tonight is special."

We woke up and knew what we had to do. We got through training with a breeze. Today went uneventful.

When the time came I took Ethan to my special place. I've been dying to have a night with him here but everything has been to busy. I knew the moon would hit my spot directly because that was one of my favorite things about this place. The flower garden looked so beautiful against the waterfall. Now that I think about it it looks incredibly similar to the place the moon goddess met with us at.

As soon as we got to the spot where the moon shined the most Ethan picked me up and began kissing me. his eyes were filled with lust and I knew his wolf was threatening to come out. He laid me down on the soft flower bed and took my pants off. The second he put his fingers inside of me pleasure spread through my body like a wildfire. I reached down to take out his erection and started stroking him. He moaned softly and entered me. He we went faster and harder. I felt like I was going to explode into a ball of pleasure.

We woke up naked in the garden. I felt restored like the stress from these past few weeks hasn't been weighing me down. I looked over to Ethan and he was sleeping he looked so at peace. I hate to wake him up but I knew we had to get back to start training.

When we made it back to the pack house everyone was looking at us, especially Aden.

"What?", Ethan said.

"You guys look so happy. And your scents are mixed so I guess you had a fun night." Aden said through gritted teeth.

All I did walk past him.

My hybrid side decided to speak up.
"Kelly! We have good news. We spoke with our supernatural connections and they said they could help with the war. But each of them want to meet you personally. First you need to got to vampire head to meet Damon, The Angel gates to meet Josiah, and then finally to demonic lane to meet Lucifer."

Sorry about the names I was running out of ideas.

I agreed to meet up up with them. Ethan would come with me while Jason and Andy train the pack. I also decided I would tell the pack everything about the rogues so I can encourage the to train harder. Cause we sure as hell will need it.

It's been and hour and we finally made it to vampire head. The mansion looked so gothic. We were greeted by a tall man with muscles he looked intimidating. But when he spoke his personality basically clashed with his looks. He was actually really nice made little jokes here and there.

"So are we going to stand out here like garden nomes or go into my house and talk about our little situation." Damon said half joking.

We made it into his office and told him about the whole situation. From the car accident to the crazy man that caused it.

"Oh wow, well all I can tell you is that you have a partner to fight beside in the battle, along with my strongest warriors . I don't know what I would do if I found out my mate went through all of that."

"Thank you! We're hoping that it won't get to that point but chances are it will" Ethan was relived that we had an alliance as strong as Damon and so was I.

Now we had to go to angel gates. When we got their it looked so perfect. Kids where playing in the green grass, mates were watching over there children while holding each other, and the atmosphere of the room was one that would make you want to stay here forever and never look back.

We meet who I assumed to be Josiah and told him what we told Damon. By the end of it we had another alliance, and the same with the demons.

Sorry this chapter is so rushed but I couldn't it my thoughts together and I got trusted so I decided to end it early. Hope it was not as bad as I think.

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